Little Known Ways That Will Get Your Articles Republished Leading to Great Backlinks
This will lead to great backlinks as your resource box will be included.
Article marketing is not dead regardless of what the internet gurus try and tell you.
I am Google publisher and article marketing is the only way I promote my websites and I do make money.
The key to writing an article is that it has to be of value to a reader.
If it is insightful and offers information valuable to a reader then other webmasters will want to republish your article and they have to use your resource box which means they will have to use your links too.
The question is how do you write good quality articles that people will want to re-use on their sites and give you organic backlinks.
Well here are a few tips that will get your article republished.
Short But Sweet A good tip is to keep your article between 250 and 300 words (unlike this article).
If you do this then the reader doesn't have to do much scrolling and so more likely click on your link.
Also these days people on the internet have short attention spans so try and make sure that the average person can read your article in under three minutes.
Format You want your article to scan nicely so that readers don't lose interest.
Keep your paragraphs between 3-5 lines long.
The other way to keep people interested is to break articles into a number of headings and short descriptions like this one.
You Need To Back Up Your Title Your article has to deliver on the promise in your title.
Aim To The Average Person The chances are that most of the people who read your article are not experts in their field.
You need to pitch your article in way that the average person can understand it.
This means keeping away from terms that are overly technical.
You Need To Have At Least One Nugget Of Information Your article has to have one vital piece of useful information in it.
Then make sure that the information is delivered in a concise and efficient manner.
The Most Important Tip Of Article Marketing Your Title You have to have a great title otherwise your article will never even get noticed.
With so many people writing articles you need to stand out.
The title has to stimulate a readers interest so use a technique like the one in this article "Little Known Ways To [blank]" for example:- Little Known Ways To Make Money On Google Little Known Ways To Stop Smoking Today Little Known Ways To Get Great Backlinks In Under 24 Hours Today Conclusion The tips is to keep your article short so that you link is easy to reach.
It needs to be of value to your reader and scan so that your reader doesn't lose interest.
The tip is to write for your reader and then in that way other webmaster will want to republish it.
This will lead to great backlinks and move you up the search engine rankings