Is Frontline Plus the Best?Don"t Discount Advantage For Cats When Looking For Flea Killers
Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow...
If your cat could talk, do you think he'd be asking for a different kind of cat food or perhaps a different kind of cat flea control? Discount Advantage for cats may work, but will your cat approve if you buy his flea control meds on sale? Cats and fleas are certainly not a good combination, but let's face it, if your cat could talk, he'd probably be telling you which chair you should be sitting on in the living room, and that he didn't like the smell of your breath after you'd been drinking Coke.
(Or some other similarly bossy sentiment!) Nevertheless, as a responsible pet owner, you are probably interested in maintaining your cat's sassy attitude (it's healthy, right?) by keeping him free of fleas, ticks, and other pests.
Unfortunately fleas and their friends are not very discriminating when it comes to choosing a host animal.
Cats and fleas can get together when your cat is exploring outside, or he can pick them up from other animals in your household or at the vet's or a boarding facility.
Once you find the first flea, chances are she's brought her friends and started laying eggs, so in order to break the flea life cycle it's important to have some sort of cat flea control program in place.
The good news is, there are a number of great flea control cat medicines available now.
If you shop online, you can even buy at a discount!Advantage for cats and Frontline for cats are both great products that many veterinarians recommend and they are widely available.
Although they have different active ingredients, they both act by paralyzing adult fleas (they seize up within 3-5 minutes of application).
98-100% of the adult flea population will be dead within 24 hours of applying either product.
They're easy to use, too, you use the discount Advantage for cats and Frontline pet medication in the same way, but be sure to read the directions!The the flea medication dropper out of the package, then apply the liquid from a little dropper dispenser to the back of the cat's head where she can't lick at it.
The medicine will disperse throughout her body and be stored in her skin, where it will remain effective for up to one month.
You should reapply the Frontline or Advantage flea products every 4 weeks.
Now, because cats have sensitive skin, it's possible that they will have a negative reaction (generally irritation at the application site) to one of these products, in that case, try switching to the other.
Since they have different active ingredients, your cat may be less sensitive to one than another.
When you use either Frontline for cats or discount Advantage for cats, look for happier cats and fleas will be outta your house and out of your life!
If your cat could talk, do you think he'd be asking for a different kind of cat food or perhaps a different kind of cat flea control? Discount Advantage for cats may work, but will your cat approve if you buy his flea control meds on sale? Cats and fleas are certainly not a good combination, but let's face it, if your cat could talk, he'd probably be telling you which chair you should be sitting on in the living room, and that he didn't like the smell of your breath after you'd been drinking Coke.
(Or some other similarly bossy sentiment!) Nevertheless, as a responsible pet owner, you are probably interested in maintaining your cat's sassy attitude (it's healthy, right?) by keeping him free of fleas, ticks, and other pests.
Unfortunately fleas and their friends are not very discriminating when it comes to choosing a host animal.
Cats and fleas can get together when your cat is exploring outside, or he can pick them up from other animals in your household or at the vet's or a boarding facility.
Once you find the first flea, chances are she's brought her friends and started laying eggs, so in order to break the flea life cycle it's important to have some sort of cat flea control program in place.
The good news is, there are a number of great flea control cat medicines available now.
If you shop online, you can even buy at a discount!Advantage for cats and Frontline for cats are both great products that many veterinarians recommend and they are widely available.
Although they have different active ingredients, they both act by paralyzing adult fleas (they seize up within 3-5 minutes of application).
98-100% of the adult flea population will be dead within 24 hours of applying either product.
They're easy to use, too, you use the discount Advantage for cats and Frontline pet medication in the same way, but be sure to read the directions!The the flea medication dropper out of the package, then apply the liquid from a little dropper dispenser to the back of the cat's head where she can't lick at it.
The medicine will disperse throughout her body and be stored in her skin, where it will remain effective for up to one month.
You should reapply the Frontline or Advantage flea products every 4 weeks.
Now, because cats have sensitive skin, it's possible that they will have a negative reaction (generally irritation at the application site) to one of these products, in that case, try switching to the other.
Since they have different active ingredients, your cat may be less sensitive to one than another.
When you use either Frontline for cats or discount Advantage for cats, look for happier cats and fleas will be outta your house and out of your life!