Article Marketing-4 Reasons To Write An Article
Article marketing is done primarily for 4 reasons. Before your submit an article you have written you should understand these 4 reasons and structure your article correctly.
1. Traffic. When you submit an article you have written to an article directory you have the possibility of driving traffic to your website from that article.
You do this in the resource box at the bottom of the article. Therefore when you write an article you want it to be informative so the person will be impressed and want to click on the link in your resource box.
If you are unsure how to write a resource box take a look at some of the articles from authors at Idea Marketers or any top article directory. A resource box should be short and like a classified ad. It should create curiosity and instruct the reader to visit your site for more information.
Articles are picked up everyday by ezine publishers, and bloggers as content for their newsletter or blog. They will be reproducing your article exactly as it is written. This includes the resource box so you never know when you will see a bump in traffic to your site.
2. Backlinks. Target 1 keyword phrase in your article. Put that keyword phrase in the title, first paragraph, and last paragraph.
Hyperlink your keyword phrase back to the appropriate webpage on your site. Doing these things will help you develop backlinks and better rankings with the search engines.
3. List building. Many article marketers will link back to a landing page to build their list. This is a great long-term strategy for keeping in touch with your readers in the future.
Your website should include a sign-up form above the fold where people can find it. If you prefer to drive traffic back to your home page it still should be set up so you can benefit from list building as well.
4. Branding. Over time you can become known as an expert in the niche you are writing about.
This is why you see so many top Internet marketers continue to do article marketing. They are branding themselves as an expert through the articles they write.
Consider these 4 reasons to write an article. If you do not want to write consider hiring a content writer and letting them so it for you. You can then use the article as though you are the writer.