Stress Breaks Casserole Dish?
This took place two years ago. I have an anxiety disorder, and when I get a spell of anxiety it can be very debilitating at times. This particular morning while having numerous panic attacks, I was home alone and had pulled out a casserole dish for the evening's dinner I had planned.
I had set the dish on my counter top when I started to feel extremely nauseated. I knew the nausea was from my stress.
I tried to ignore it, but the nausea became severe. I bolted into the bathroom. (This bathroom was just on the other side of the wall to the kitchen and the counter.) I stood leaning against the bathroom sink and thinking, Wow... How am I going to get through this day like this?
Just as I felt like I was going to vomit, I heard this loud ping! and the nausea just subsided in that instant. I had no idea what that noise had been, but I wiped my face with a cold rag and thought, I feel so much better now, and was relieved.
I walked into the kitchen and there was the casserole dish on the counter -- and it had a crack right through the center of it that ran all the way across the entire dish. I couldn't believe that ping was that dish fracturing at just the moment I was the sickest and that the nausea just stopped immediately after that pinging noise.
I really wonder if somehow, some way, my stress left my body in that moment and actually cracked that dish. I was literally only a few feet away from it just on the other side of the wall.
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I had set the dish on my counter top when I started to feel extremely nauseated. I knew the nausea was from my stress.
I tried to ignore it, but the nausea became severe. I bolted into the bathroom. (This bathroom was just on the other side of the wall to the kitchen and the counter.) I stood leaning against the bathroom sink and thinking, Wow... How am I going to get through this day like this?
Just as I felt like I was going to vomit, I heard this loud ping! and the nausea just subsided in that instant. I had no idea what that noise had been, but I wiped my face with a cold rag and thought, I feel so much better now, and was relieved.
I walked into the kitchen and there was the casserole dish on the counter -- and it had a crack right through the center of it that ran all the way across the entire dish. I couldn't believe that ping was that dish fracturing at just the moment I was the sickest and that the nausea just stopped immediately after that pinging noise.
I really wonder if somehow, some way, my stress left my body in that moment and actually cracked that dish. I was literally only a few feet away from it just on the other side of the wall.
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