Dealing With Your Debt-You Can Do This On Your Own
Many options are available ranging from debt counselors to bankruptcy.
These options cost money though, money that you may not have.
If this is the situation you are in, why not learn how to deal with debt on your own.
There are many options out there and you may have already tried many of them with no success.
Often people use a program that has them list their debts by interest rate.
The debts with the highest interest rate go at the top and you list them in descending order by interest rate.
Although some people succeed using this method, many do not as they don't see enough progress.
They become discouraged and give up so the situation never improves.
Getting out of debt requires that you stay both motivated and focused.
To do this, you need to see progress on a regular basis which is why many choose to use a debt snowball as a way of paying off debt.
Here you completely disregard interest rates and just list your debts moving from smallest to largest.
Pay the minimum on all debts except for the smallest.
Any extra money you can come up with will go toward the smallest debt.
Once this is paid off, you move on to the next debt on the list.
Take the money you were using to pay the smallest debt and start adding it to the payment of the second smallest debt.
This will allow you to pay the second debt off at a rapid rate.
Whenever you come across some extra money, add it to this payment until the second debt is paid off.
Now it is time to move on to the third.
Work your way through the entire list using this method and you will see results quicker than you ever imagined.
The reason so many are successful at paying off debt using this method is that, whenever a debt is paid off, you get a sense of accomplishment.
You feel motivated to keep moving forward.
It's like losing weight.
When you get on a scale and see that you haven't lost any weight, you may want to go drown your miseries in ice cream.
When you get on that same scale and see you have lost two or three pounds, you are motivated to continue.
Constant progress shows you that your plan is working and that is what is needed when you are trying to get out of debt.
Try it today and see if this works for you.
Once you pay off that first bill and start making progress on the second, you'll see how much faster the plan moves forward.
It's a great feeling which is why this plan really works.