What Is a Discus?
- The three species include the green or common discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus), the Heckel or red discus (S. discus) and the tarzoo discus (S. tarzoo), which was only discovered in 2007. The first two types are the easiest to find in pet stores.
- Unlike many other kinds of fish, discus can have many different color variations within the same species. Males and females do not have any specific coloration.
- The Aquarium Fish Survivor Manual calls discus "finicky eaters." These carnivores need to eat small, protein-rich foods such as brine shrimp, whiteworms, bloodworms or finely chopped beef heart.
- These are shy fish that can be easily bullied. The only other fish they really can get along with is either another discus or small corydoras catfish.
- Discus can often grow to be ten inches in diameter. The smallest tank you can keep one in is 50 gallons.
Size of Tank