The first step is to evaluate your personal waste stream, then, you will need to learn and identify the different types of recyclables you generate in your home environment and what outlets there are for them. We will address the different types and outlets in details in the next article.
Some areas offer a curbside collection process, the companies providing these services will make it clear which types of materials they are willing and able to take. Keep in mind that sometimes they will require you to keep the various materials separate in containers provided, however more and more areas are accepting comingled household recyclables, this is generally placed in an additional container provided alongside your regular trash container or "wheelie bin" and will take the form of a much smaller bin or another container identical to your trash bin but identifiable by a different color and markings. Remember, it is important to keep the waste streams separate, do not mix your trash with your recyclables, will go into details and reasons later. In some cases these recycling programs are provided by your local municipality and in others they are provided by a local recycling company working alongside or in conjunction with them.
If you do not have a curbside recycling program or are unsure of the availability of one the first thing to do is to contact your local municipality and see what types of options you have, in many cases there are programs in place but you may have to request a special container for your recyclable materials, in some areas there may be an additional small monthly charge for this extra container in order to cover the costs of pick up but it is usually minimal.
If you happen to live in an area where this service is not offered as a residential pick up all hope is not lost, there are still things you can do in order to recycle a good portion of your household waste stream, there are many places where you go on a regular basis where you can drop off certain items free of charge and some will even pay you for certain types of materials. You just need to be able to identify the items you may have and do a little research. You might be surprised at what types of materials are recyclable and where you can dispose of them responsibly with a relatively small amount of effort on your part.
Remember, there are several reasons for recycling. The most obvious is to reduce waste streams filling up landfills, taking up valuable land, resources and environmental contamination, not to mention the economical benefits.
Keep in mind the three R's of recycling, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. This means reduce waste, reuse materials whenever possible and if you are not able to do either there are processes in place to recycle materials and put them back into the manufacturing processes.
--Rob Plada [http://www.pladapolymers.com]
Some areas offer a curbside collection process, the companies providing these services will make it clear which types of materials they are willing and able to take. Keep in mind that sometimes they will require you to keep the various materials separate in containers provided, however more and more areas are accepting comingled household recyclables, this is generally placed in an additional container provided alongside your regular trash container or "wheelie bin" and will take the form of a much smaller bin or another container identical to your trash bin but identifiable by a different color and markings. Remember, it is important to keep the waste streams separate, do not mix your trash with your recyclables, will go into details and reasons later. In some cases these recycling programs are provided by your local municipality and in others they are provided by a local recycling company working alongside or in conjunction with them.
If you do not have a curbside recycling program or are unsure of the availability of one the first thing to do is to contact your local municipality and see what types of options you have, in many cases there are programs in place but you may have to request a special container for your recyclable materials, in some areas there may be an additional small monthly charge for this extra container in order to cover the costs of pick up but it is usually minimal.
If you happen to live in an area where this service is not offered as a residential pick up all hope is not lost, there are still things you can do in order to recycle a good portion of your household waste stream, there are many places where you go on a regular basis where you can drop off certain items free of charge and some will even pay you for certain types of materials. You just need to be able to identify the items you may have and do a little research. You might be surprised at what types of materials are recyclable and where you can dispose of them responsibly with a relatively small amount of effort on your part.
Remember, there are several reasons for recycling. The most obvious is to reduce waste streams filling up landfills, taking up valuable land, resources and environmental contamination, not to mention the economical benefits.
Keep in mind the three R's of recycling, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. This means reduce waste, reuse materials whenever possible and if you are not able to do either there are processes in place to recycle materials and put them back into the manufacturing processes.
--Rob Plada [http://www.pladapolymers.com]