Repeating of the History
In the story from the past Jan Pelgrom found a ring, broke away from Wouter Loos and killed female Aborigine. In the story from the present, Steven Messenger also found a ring and repeated practically the same faith as Jan Pelgrom. The author wanted to show the crucial effects of the ring. It can be seen that present and past are linked and history is repeated.
Characters are very important in the story, as they are used to tell it. They not only develop individuality during a novel, but also show some very important things and themes. In the story about strange objects, the persons, who had the ring, underwent some physical and mental changes. In the past as well as in the present, the main characters had deterioration of health and a lot of other difficulties. The ring, which brings illness to Pelgrom and Messenger in two different periods, underlines the repeating of the history and intricate plot of the novel. One more example of history repeating is sudden unusual behavior of two characters. The behavior of both men changed when they found the ring. Steven Messenger, being kind boy earlier, changed to cold and evil. Jan Pelgrom also became very strange and distant from the others. Their behavior is very comparable and it shows the replication of the history.