EBay Picture Hosting – Save Money
Because of this price increase and the difficulties that arise when you are trying to depend only on EBay to host your images, some savvy entrepreneurs have discovered the more affordable alternatives like external photo hosting. If you’ve never really stopped to think about what goes into your images appearing on EBay, you should know that every time you upload a photo, the file is actually being stored on EBay's server. Because this storage takes up valuable space on their server, this service is usually limited.
A way around this EBay picture hosting conundrum is to host the images and pictures somewhere else on the internet, on a server owned by you or by an image hosting company. This way the images are already published on the web, and all you have to do to make them appear on your EBay auction page is to insert a simple HTML link into your page or description.
Although this seems like it might be too good to be true, there is currently no EBay rule or regulation that prohibits linking to externally hosted images and photographs. By taking advantage of this loophole, you’ll be able to give your potential customers a good look at the products you’re selling. This will make them more confident in the fact that you are really selling the product that you describe, and they will be more likely to bid on the item. You can learn more about EBay picture hosting and how you can use it at www.upmyphoto.com.