Recession Proof Business in 3 Steps

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Do you feel the pinch of the recession? Have you been downsized, laid off or let go? What if there was a business that was recession proof? There is! It's the internet.
There are millions of people on the internet now.
Why not tap this market? What if you could have a business that was not determined by the economy at all? Never be downsized, laid off, or let goAGAIN! But how? Commit to begin.
That was easy, right? Next...
Step 1.
Find the program that works for you.
Investigate the company, do research on the history of the company.
How long has it been around? On the internet, short term can be to your advantage.
It's fresh, energetic and the market is not saturated with the product.
You can get in on the ground floor of a powerful company.
How do you know which one is right? What product gets YOUR attention? What product flirts with you? That is the one you're attracted to and that is the one that resonates with you.
You will work more focused on something you are passionate about than something that is out of harmony with your life.
Step 2.
Find your mentor.
Most of the network marketing companies have training, not all have mentors.
Find the mentor the same way you found the product.
Search them on Youtube.
Watch their videos.
Is that person comfortable in their own skin? Are they confident? Do you like the sound of their voice? All these things will help you WANT to work with them.
This person will not only be your trainer / mentor, but your business partner.
Think about interviewing this person.
What qualities do they have to help your business grow? Ask to talk to their teammates.
Really interview them.
They will be interviewing you.
Step 3.
Prepare your mind.
You are building a business; a business that will, hopefully, out last you.
You are finding the cornerstones to your six figure a year business.
Choose wisely, and based on your best resource - your gut.
Your instincts are the core of what got you to this point.
You can trust the process.
Learn to trust yourself.
This is the first step.
Pull all your senses out of hiding and utilize all you know to prepare yourself for the beginning of your life change.
Warning!If anyone tries to tell you "click here and money will pour in" use your most precious key, delete! The laws of the universe are not absent on-line.
There is ALWAYS an exchange of energy.
You trade your time/talent/skills/hard work/money/integrity to make cabbage, payolla, skins, MONEY.
It has always been a trade and will always be a trade.
This is an unalterable fact.
HOW to make your money is your choice.
Can you make unimaginable amounts on-line? Absolutely.
The top earns in our industry do, but not over night.
They spent many hours of research, learning their back-offices, acquiring their teams and promoting themselves.
Months turned into years.
This was their trade.
Many of the top earns like Jenn Lawlor, Terry Dorland, Jonathon Budd all do it with a great deal of integrity.
This is the attribute of real success, integrity.
By the way, one of the aforementioned top earners made six figures in January 2009! No kidding.
All on-line.
Now, follow these three easy steps and report back your findings to your new highest authority - You.
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