What Are Borates to Clean Mold?
- Borates are mineral compounds derived from boron, a naturally occurring element. Borax, or sodium borate, is a natural household cleaner. You can use it to remove stains, kill weeds and control insects; it will also kill and clean away mold. It appears as a soft whitish powder and dissolves easily in water. You can purchase it at grocery stores, home improvement outlets and natural food stores -- it will typically be with other household cleaning supplies.
- To clean away mold on surfaces like bathtubs, tile and vinyl, you mix borax with warm water until it dissolves completely. You can soak a sponge in the mixture and wipe away all visible mold. Then, you should rinse the surface with clear water and dry it thoroughly. For fabrics like moldy shower curtains, you'll want to soak the material in water and then dust it with enough borax to completely cover it. You should let it sit for at least 20 minutes before rinsing it clean. You should always wear gloves when cleaning with borax and keep the work area well ventilated.
- Using borax to clean mold offers the advantage of cleaning with a natural compound -- you won't be using a synthetic fungicide into your home. It also has a low toxicity rating for humans and common pets like dogs and cats, so you aren't exposing your family to poison. Because it dissolves so easily, it doesn't take a lot of effort to work with. It is also versatile -- after you clean mold with it, you can use it to control ants in your kitchen and kill weeds in your driveway.
- While borax is non-toxic, you should still take care when using it. If ingested, it causes stomach pain and diarrhea. If you inhale it, you could experience coughing and respiratory irritation. Due to its quick dissolving nature, you should store it in a place with little exposure to moisture. As long as it doesn't get wet, borax remains stable and effective for a long time.
Mold Cleaning