How to Unlock "Burning Crusade" Heroics
- 1). Raise your reputation with the following factions to Honored: Honor Hold (Alliance) or Thrallmar (Horde), Cenarion Expedition, Lower City, The Sha'tar and Keepers of Time.
- 2). Purchase the following items from in-game vendors: Flamewrought Key from Logistics Officer Ulrike (Alliance, Honor Hold) or Quartermaster Urgronn (Horde, Thrallmar); Warpforged Key (Almaador, Shattrath City); Auchenai Key (Nakodu, Shattrath City); and Key of Time (Alurmi, Tanaris). These keys unlock the majority of Burning Crusade heroics.
- 3). Complete Magister's Terrace on normal difficulty to gain access to the heroic version.