How to Grade Annotated Bibliographies in APA
- 1). Award a Proficient grade for complete adherence to alphabetical, indentation and order of the entry. Ascertain that the student applied APA format for works cited to the bibliographic entry, indenting all lines of a bibliography except the first line by four spaces. Verify that the student indented the lines of the annotation an additional two spaces.
- 2). Grade the annotation portion of the entry. Verify that the annotation presents the thesis of the work succinctly and clearly. Establish that the student or writer read the work she cited, advises the University of North Carolina handout on annotated bibliographies.
- 3). Assess the evaluation portion of the annotation. Verify that the student analyzed the work for relevance to the paper topic, for the discipline to which the work contributes and for the author's qualifications to contribute to the topic.
- 4). Grade an annotated bibliography for mechanics, including grammar, punctuation and spelling. Verify that the student provided the required number of quality of sources. Evaluate the student's application of the professor's additional requirements,