Tears Were Converted In To Pearls
He had experienced lot of invisible tears since childhood till date.
Inside the tears he was viewing his life and trying to give it a new shape.
Looking to the full moon and the nature he was getting a decent rest.
The moon was taking part in his sorrows and wiping out his tears was telling him the secrets of achieving success.
Memories of the by gone days were passing in his mental pool like waves.
Looking to the waves he was remembering his courage and confidence.
Gathering much strength from his school and college days he was looking ahead.
He has to go many more miles and has to fulfill lot of promises before the final rest.
Looking to the universe he was diffusing his tears since childhood till date.
He was becoming energized and vivified by the entry of the universal forces.
The forces of the universe were instilling in his tired brain,body and mind lot of courage and confidence.
Gaining the strength of his youthful days he was forgetting his tears and was looking to his life becoming alive and afresh.
Being an astounding warrior he knows the art of converting the tears in to pearls.
Learning from the tears he was reviewing his life to fight the rest of the battle with zeal and vigor.
Tears and smiles run after one another in the battle of life and there is nothing to be worried for the tears.
Tearing the womb of the tears the warrior was seeing costly pearls.
Tears and smiles in life are in love with each other.
We can not feel the importance of the smiles with out tears.
Tears are there to enhance the beauty of life and making every one seasoned.
Loving the tears the warrior was seeing a long road in front of him on which he was moving with vigor and zeal.
Experiencing the Lord deep within his brain,body and mind he was forgetting the tears of various kinds.
Inside each tear drop he was sensing the grace of the divine.
He was getting a decent rest realizing His powers deep within.
Feeling rejuvenated and refreshed he was resting inside the slumber of the night.
Dreaming his life since childhood till date he was coming closer to his hopes and dreams.
Life was seeming more beautiful amidst intense struggles.
The struggles were being fully manifested and he was moving on the path of life with love and smiles.
The Lord was converting his tears in to pearls looking to him with His graceful eyes.
Forgetting all the tears in life he was merged in peace and bliss.
Tear drops were seemed to be like pearls and he was preserving those forgetting his anguish.
He was becoming unable to calculate the price of the pearls given by the Lord to him.
With pure love to the Lord he was fighting the battle becoming successful.
Waking up in the dawn he found himself in a new dimension of life.
There was no tear and all his tears were converted in to smiles.
Loving the beauty of the nature he was merged in serenity and tranquility.
Joining the battle he was getting strongly motivated feeling the powers of the Almighty.
He was seeing the rest part of his life and in each bit of his activity he was experiencing perfection and beauty.
The life long tears were slowly and steadily being converted in to pearls bringing peace and happiness in his life.
He was spending his days with regained courage and confidence serving well his family,organization and society.
Learning the art of converting the tears in to pearls he was resting in peace offering his gratitude to the Almighty.