The Pacific DVD Set - Best Price for The Pacific DVDs Is Now Online
I have been totally mesmerized from start to finish and laughed as well as cried along with the three principle characters involved.
As a miniseries Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have totally excelled and created an awesome masterpiece.
There have been plenty of previous World War 2 epics but none that have touched on the conflict with the Japanese quite like this.
The Pacific DVD set takes us from start to finish through the eyes of three marines who were actually there living in the hell of those battles.
Using accounts from Robert Leckie, John Balisone and Eugene Sledge combined with real and historical events the horrors and very grim realities of war are made very graphic and you soon begin to realise the hardships that were suffered by these brave men.
If you have never been in combat it can be difficult to imagine how debilitating both physically and mentally it can be but, you are left in no doubt as to how fighting not only a formidable and relentless enemy but exhaustion, starvation and the effects of malaria takes its toll and no holds are barred.
There are some very compelling scenes during the different battles that are both thought provoking and very humbling too.
Just when you think all shreds of humanity are gone due to the brutality of war you are exposed to acts of kindness that leave you astounded with a great sense of humility.
You need to keep an open mind with this miniseries as there have been comparisons to another block buster in Band of Brothers but Pacific is not about a whole platoon and their leaders it is very personal and specific to those three individuals and their war and you really get a sense of the men and who they were.
With scenes away from the battlefield at home and on leave it can be hard to watch the mental battles and personal suffering that they all endure because of their war experiences making ordinary life hard to adjust to.
If you never buy another World War 2 DVD but you love a good story with plenty of action then get yourself the Pacific DVD set.
It is all the more poignant I think because you know that the hardship, trials and tribulations that you are watching are not based on Hollywood fiction but hard facts and they really were there living the nightmare.
Better yet is the fact that you can now find the best price for this amazing DVD set online.
All you need to do now is locate the best possible deal with discounts, coupons etc grab a copy sit back and enjoy.