Tips on Playing Baccarat
- Baccarat is considered a gentleman's game, and is based solely on image by Vladimirs Koskins from
Baccarat is essentially a game of luck, depending more upon the players' betting nerves than any specific strategy. The dealer deals a single hand to a single player (punto), and then a hand to the house (banco). Each hand consists of two cards, and the player may ask for a third. The last digit of the total must be as close as possible to 9; the hand with the highest number wins. Specific rules beyond that vary by casino, though the general strategy for betting doesn't change. - Because it is impossible to formulate a strategy for individual baccarat hands, it pays better to bet on overall trends. The house hand (banco) tends to win more often in the long run, so betting on the house is a good strategy, though not a hugely interesting one. (Most houses charge a 5 percent commission on banco bets in order to keep the odds even.) If you want to mix the game up a bit, then pay attention to streaks and bet with them if you can; if either the banco or punto wins three hands in a row, either stop betting or stick with the winner until the streak is broken. Stay away from tie bets or standoff bets (betting on a tie rather than betting on either banco or punto): they heavily favor the house and you won't make your money back.
- Generally speaking, the fewer decks in a single baccarat shoe, the lower the house edge and the better chances of you walking away with some money. Look for casinos that offer six-deck or one-deck baccarat and that charge a lower commission for banco wins. The lower those numbers are, the better you'll tend to do in the long run. Individual casinos alter their odds and commissions to stay competitive with their rivals. "Shop around" for the best casinos for baccarat and don't be pulled in by flashy settings or perks like free drinks. The odds themselves never change.
- General gambling strategy states that you need to have a winning goal and losing limit. Never bet more than you're prepared to lose and walk away from the table once you reach your goal. This is hugely important in baccarat, since you're at the mercy of the gods of fortunes. Stay away from big bets on single hands; you're just betting on chance. Instead, adopt a steady, regular pattern of betting: the same amount or nearly the same amount for each hand. Make the amount such that you can continue playing for some time, allowing you to ride out hot or cold streaks without having to walk away from the game. If you feel lucky, up the bet a bit, but don't let it get out of hand. If you ever win more than your initial stake, pocket the winnings and continue betting with only your stake. When you've spent your entire stake, you'll still have an amount of winnings in your pocket, letting you enjoy the process without going broke.
Bet on the Trends
Play the Odds
Stretch Your Stake