Weight Loss Exercise - How to Stick to the Schedule and Enjoy It
How difficult it is for you to stick to regular exercise? So many of us hate the gym and some regularly take out membership only to trail off going with 2 - 3 months! We know that exercise is the key to a healthy lifestyle and body.
We even know that id greatly aids weight loss.
So what can be done to improve our 'stickablility' and exercise motivation? One way is to think about all the other areas of your life where consistency and taking a pride in what you do is not a problem.
How many jobs do you undertake with joy? These jobs may range from paid work to voluntary work, to parenting and housekeeping the list is endless.
For each of these jobs, consider for a moment which ones you...
·Take very seriously; ·Take pride in doing well; ·Do the parts of them that are not so enjoyable but get satisfaction in achieving them; ·Accept them as your responsibility; ·See them as important to you; ·Do them with a loving heart.
Now consider the job of caring for yourself.
This is the most important job of all because the length of your life may be dependent on it.
How much interest and pride do you take in this important job? The job of taking regular exercise forms a part of this.
So are you taking it seriously enough? How proud are you of your body and its ability to carry you successfully through life? It is time to take your responsibilities seriously - caring for this vessel that aids you in living life to the full.
Begin to see its importance if you want to enjoy life and make the most of every day.
To do this, it is essential to acknowledge the importance of loving your body enough to want to fill it with the energy it deserves.
The job of daily exercise may have been one you have for so long battled against.
It may not be a job you want to do right now, because we first have to love ourselves to be able to take a pride in it.
This is a job, that if done well offers you one of the most important secrets you will ever find.
That of the...
Joy Of Being Success in this daily job, when you get it right, sees you finding the joy of being in the moment, doing physical activity that lifts your spirits.
For most of us that is not found in the Gym.
It may be found walked or working in the 'Green Gym' (outside in nature) that is available to all of us.
It may be in dancing, swimming, a competitive sport or kicking a ball around with the kids in the park.
In fact anything that raises your heart rate and gives you an energy surge each day.
Your mind sheds its load of negative thoughts, as you feel the enjoyment of the moment.
The 'Job' is to feed on the pleasures and energy it brings, as you feel the motivation to continue this self-loving act of kindness.
We even know that id greatly aids weight loss.
So what can be done to improve our 'stickablility' and exercise motivation? One way is to think about all the other areas of your life where consistency and taking a pride in what you do is not a problem.
How many jobs do you undertake with joy? These jobs may range from paid work to voluntary work, to parenting and housekeeping the list is endless.
For each of these jobs, consider for a moment which ones you...
·Take very seriously; ·Take pride in doing well; ·Do the parts of them that are not so enjoyable but get satisfaction in achieving them; ·Accept them as your responsibility; ·See them as important to you; ·Do them with a loving heart.
Now consider the job of caring for yourself.
This is the most important job of all because the length of your life may be dependent on it.
How much interest and pride do you take in this important job? The job of taking regular exercise forms a part of this.
So are you taking it seriously enough? How proud are you of your body and its ability to carry you successfully through life? It is time to take your responsibilities seriously - caring for this vessel that aids you in living life to the full.
Begin to see its importance if you want to enjoy life and make the most of every day.
To do this, it is essential to acknowledge the importance of loving your body enough to want to fill it with the energy it deserves.
The job of daily exercise may have been one you have for so long battled against.
It may not be a job you want to do right now, because we first have to love ourselves to be able to take a pride in it.
This is a job, that if done well offers you one of the most important secrets you will ever find.
That of the...
Joy Of Being Success in this daily job, when you get it right, sees you finding the joy of being in the moment, doing physical activity that lifts your spirits.
For most of us that is not found in the Gym.
It may be found walked or working in the 'Green Gym' (outside in nature) that is available to all of us.
It may be in dancing, swimming, a competitive sport or kicking a ball around with the kids in the park.
In fact anything that raises your heart rate and gives you an energy surge each day.
Your mind sheds its load of negative thoughts, as you feel the enjoyment of the moment.
The 'Job' is to feed on the pleasures and energy it brings, as you feel the motivation to continue this self-loving act of kindness.