Voltage Stabilizers - For a Safe Power Supply
Fluctuating power supply is a concern in many households, in both rural and urban areas. Constant voltage fluctuation can damage electrical appliances and disrupts normal life. When voltage increases and decreases it can cause damage to the internal workings of the appliance. Voltage stabilizers help check fluctuation, which means if the supply voltage fluctuates or varies, they bring it to the desired range. They does so by using electromagnetic regulators that taps changes to auto transformers. This does not give a constant voltage output, but operates the system in a safe voltage range.
There are single-phase and three-phase voltage stabilizers available according to the capacity required. Domestic appliances can work on single-phase stabilizers and three-phase stabilizers are required only for stabilising high power motors.
The different voltage stabilizers are:
Digital Stabilizer: These are ideal for TVs and are equipped with high voltage cut off. These stabilizers can perform in a wide input range and operate on primary switching technology.
Stabilizers for TV/Music system: They have auto restart feature to restart after interrupted power supply. These are equipped with fail safe circuit protection to cut off power supply to the equipment if a component fails. They are available in different colours and sleek designs.
Stabilizers for refrigerators: These have built in thermal overload protection which protects the stabilizer and appliance from high temperature burn out.
Stabilizers for AC: AC Voltage Stabilizers They have time delay system to give compressor balancing time between power cuts and are equipped with latest IC technology.
Stabilizers for washing machines/treadmill: These stabilizers are power efficient and have rush current capability to advance the current flow. They are compact and cost effective.
Mainline stabilizers: They are designed for overload protection of the main power supply system. These are table top mountable and can perform in wide input voltage range. The inbuilt voltmeter displays the current flow for proper monitoring.
Choosing right-sized stabilizer:
Sizing of a stabilizer is very similar to sizing of a UPS or inverter. The most important thing is to know the load connected to the stabilizer. First you must note down the power for all the appliances that will be connected to a stabilizer. This will provide the sum total of load to be supported by the stabilizer.
Electricity consumed by stabilizers:
Electricity consumption of voltage stabilizers depends on the efficiency of the stabilizer. Typically they are 95-98% efficient. Always choose the right-sized voltage stabilizer and also try to get them for individual appliances rather than for the whole electricity connection. Leaving them on for longer duration can result in higher electricity bills.
Modern appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners come with bigger voltage range for operation but are not equipped with in-built voltage stabilizers. Using stabilizers for those appliances are not required unless voltage fluctuation is beyond the control of the appliance's operating capacity.
There are single-phase and three-phase voltage stabilizers available according to the capacity required. Domestic appliances can work on single-phase stabilizers and three-phase stabilizers are required only for stabilising high power motors.
The different voltage stabilizers are:
Digital Stabilizer: These are ideal for TVs and are equipped with high voltage cut off. These stabilizers can perform in a wide input range and operate on primary switching technology.
Stabilizers for TV/Music system: They have auto restart feature to restart after interrupted power supply. These are equipped with fail safe circuit protection to cut off power supply to the equipment if a component fails. They are available in different colours and sleek designs.
Stabilizers for refrigerators: These have built in thermal overload protection which protects the stabilizer and appliance from high temperature burn out.
Stabilizers for AC: AC Voltage Stabilizers They have time delay system to give compressor balancing time between power cuts and are equipped with latest IC technology.
Stabilizers for washing machines/treadmill: These stabilizers are power efficient and have rush current capability to advance the current flow. They are compact and cost effective.
Mainline stabilizers: They are designed for overload protection of the main power supply system. These are table top mountable and can perform in wide input voltage range. The inbuilt voltmeter displays the current flow for proper monitoring.
Choosing right-sized stabilizer:
Sizing of a stabilizer is very similar to sizing of a UPS or inverter. The most important thing is to know the load connected to the stabilizer. First you must note down the power for all the appliances that will be connected to a stabilizer. This will provide the sum total of load to be supported by the stabilizer.
Electricity consumed by stabilizers:
Electricity consumption of voltage stabilizers depends on the efficiency of the stabilizer. Typically they are 95-98% efficient. Always choose the right-sized voltage stabilizer and also try to get them for individual appliances rather than for the whole electricity connection. Leaving them on for longer duration can result in higher electricity bills.
Modern appliances like refrigerators and air conditioners come with bigger voltage range for operation but are not equipped with in-built voltage stabilizers. Using stabilizers for those appliances are not required unless voltage fluctuation is beyond the control of the appliance's operating capacity.