How to Begin Practicing Yoga After 50
- 1). Visit your doctor for an evaluation. Before you actually begin practicing yoga after 50, you need to find out if this is an appropriate type of exercise for you to do. Your doctor needs to give you a medical evaluation and physical examination in order to confirm your current health status. At the end of your appointment, your doctor informs you whether or not you should engage in yoga exercises and how often you should perform this type of activity.
- 2). Find a local yoga class to join. There are a variety of places that offer yoga classes, such as yoga studios, health clubs and gyms, senior centers, assisted living residencies and community colleges (through the continuing education department). You can also locate a local yoga class by visiting
- 3). Speak with the yoga teacher before you enroll in the class. The yoga instructor can talk to you about the various types of exercises you are going to do in class and she can also answer your questions for you. Be sure to let the yoga instructor know if you have any specific health issues or illnesses before you begin practicing yoga.
- 4). Enroll in a class and familiarize yourself with the different yoga positions. Since there are numerous yoga positions and techniques, it is best to take your time and carefully learn each one of them before moving on to the more complicated poses. It may take a little time to grasp all of the different poses, but it is best to move slowly until you get the hang of things.
- 5). Practice doing the yoga exercises. In order to become better at practicing yoga, it is important to study the different poses and techniques and practice them as often as possible. Your yoga instructor may provide you with some charts or books to help you learn the names of all of the yoga positions. She may also give you a yoga video to take home with you, so you can practice in your spare time.