All Things About Translation And Theories Of It
Translation plays important role in every field these days. Non one can ignore the important role of translation in transferring knowledge, science, cultural traditions, religion, and literature and so on between two languages. In translating text, we have different kind of texts such as literary, political, social and scientific texts that the translators have to encounter with them. Several factors play vital role in translating of every text that are as follows:
1. Text, which types of text do you translates (scientific, political, cultural)
2. Content, what is the content of text
3. Style of text, what style is used in the text (very formal, formal, informal)
4. The Setting of translation
5. Text structures
6. The writer of the text
7. The reader of the text
8. Analyzing the text
9. Find problematic words, idioms, collocation in translating
10. Considering carefully the title of the text
11. Norms
12. Cohesion and coherence of translation in translating of text
13. The unit of translation (word, sentence)
14. The role of translator
15. Pressure and restriction on translator in translating
16. The wage or financial statue of translators which affect on the quality of translation
17. Censorship in translation
18. The taste of translators
19. Pseudo translation is important factors which affect the work of translators
20. Translation theories which are presented by theoreticians can be effective on translating of text
21. The kinds of translators (expert, non expert, professional, non-professional, novice)
22. The background of translators in translation of related field or text
23. The word formation process (blending, loan words, and compounding, borrowing, derivations and) between SL and TL
24. The development of machine translation
25. Choosing the type of dictionary (bilingual, monolingual, both of them) in translating from SL to TL or vice versa.
26. The aims of translators (for benefit, to be famous, to criticize and )
27. The geographical situation of translators
28. Translation strategies presented by different scholars or theoretician
29. Feminism in translation
30. Gender
31. Colonialism and post- colonialism
32. The role of politicians in translation
33. The quality of training translators
34. The teachers whether they have a translation degree or teaching degree or both of them and in what level (BA, MA, and PHD) in training translation students
As we see translation is not easy factor by considering the above aspects of translation. A good translator is a person who considers all or some of these factors in translating between different languages. These factors can also be a topic of thesis for teaching, translation and literature students. In the end we should know that the ideal translation is not always inaccessible. I think that translation is a new horizon for translators to learn new things in the every minutes of their life and learn these new things to others that are thirsty to learn.