Eight Years That Could Save a Life!
Most of us know someone or may have even suffered the disease personally.
There are women all over the world from the famous to the infamous diagnosed with this disease and over 12,000 women (and 90 men) die yearly.
90% of women who develop breast cancer have no family history of this disease - what a terrible tragedy that this is still happening and often needlessly.
Bad news particularity about our health sends our mind and body into 'free fall'.
At this time our immune system is suppressed.
Our survival mechanism for fight or flight takes over just when we need to be at optimum health.
The sickly feeling at the thought of what you might have to experience on in order to feel well again and the crucial hours of waiting for test results can seem endless.
Many women put on a brave face for the sake of family, friends and loved ones and so it can be a long and solitary battle - but do you know it really does not have to be like this? If ever you have seen a fire fighter going into a smoke filled building looking to see if there are any bodies still inside you will have seen the infra-red heat seeking camera providing 'sight' in pitch black conditions for the fire fighter and saves valuable time in detecting where the body is located.
Now lets take this a step further...
we all agree that early detection and monitoring of abnormal physiology (physiology refers to the study of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of the body) is of gigantic significance in the prevention of breast disease or any disease for that matter? Thermography or digital thermal imaging is a non intrusive and non destructive screening test of physiology of any part of the body.
A thermal imaging camera produces a thermal scan.
Now the amazing feature of this type of scan is that it works on the premise that tumors have abnormal blood vessel patterns which give off more heat than the surrounding tissue, hence alerting the clinician or doctor to the fact that there is an abnormality at a very early stage.
Breast screening up until now, has relied on mammography, doctor or nurse examination or self examination but now all women can benefit from Digital Infra-red Thermal Imaging (DITI).
In 1982 the FDA approved Infra red thermal imaging as a safe diagnostic scanning procedure.
This thermal scan takes a 'picture' records the heat that is given off by the breast, which is then displayed on a computer monitor.
A visual measurement of the metabolic rate of breast tissue appears on screen.
If any abnormalities are found these are also known as "hot spots" indicating increased metabolism and abnormal blood vessel patterns.
With thermal imaging, there is no exposure to radiation and no contact with the body at any time.
The benefits of such a scan alert doctors and nurses to any subtle changes that might show evidence of breast disease way before it becomes a tumor.
Generally it takes eight years for a cancer cell to develop into a tumour so look at the valuable time that could be saved and the number of women who need not go through such torment.
With a mammogram in a positive test, the tumor may already be evident and will be at a more advanced stage of development.
A positive Thermal Scan is essential for future development of cancer and catches this history much earlier.
So why are health authorities not offering every woman this method of testing which is a right not a privilege! As always it comes down to money and investment in new technology.
Having had a thermal imaging scan I can say it was an enlightening experience - painless, without exposure to radiation and a subsequent session proving grateful reassurance.
In Britain a mammogram is freely available to women over 50 on the NHS (National Health System) as these women as considered more at risk, however women between the ages of 30 - 50 years old have denser breast tissue making it more difficult for a mammogram to be more effective and show any underlying disease - it is these women that Infra-Red thermal imaging could help offering the earliest possible detection of any abnormality allowing us to be more pro-active rather and re-active at a much later stage.
Any woman who had had breast cancer can also benefit from a Thermal Imaging Scans performed before and after a surgery or other treatment as it can help evaluate the success of any medical intervention the by monitoring the metabolic changes around the cancer area.
So take control of your health and be proactive rather than reactive - early detection really can save lives!