Fake designer handbags seized at replica handbags party

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Canadian Mounted Police crash a replica handbags party, seizing hundreds of fake designer handbags. Oh Canada...

Here's a tip - if you're planning to hold a replica handbags party to exchange fake designer handbags with your friends, keep it "on the down low." Canadian Katharine Richards of London, Ontario, learned this the hard way when the Royal Canadian Mounted Police showed up in her living room with a search warrant.

Confiscating hundreds of replica handbags and articles of jewelry, the RCMP made a big show of the bust, which was a big deal for a city as small as London. Gossip spreads quickly in a town like that, and it wasn't long until the scandal was on everyone's tongue.

In recent years, Canada has been accused of being soft on enforcing the prohibition of fake designer handbags, a fact that might have something to do with the big show made out of this particular bust.

Dwight Blok, the officer in charge of London's RCMP detachment had this to say: "Purse parties are the newest trend in the counterfeit fashion trade, an industry that is running rampant worldwide. The sale of counterfeit goods is not only hurting the economy through loss of jobs and tax revenue, but there is information linking such items to more serious issues such as child labor, drug trafficking, organized crime and terrorism. There is nothing wrong with having a purse party as long as the merchandise being sold does not have designer logos - but when you purchase a counterfeit purse, you become part of the cycle of counterfeiting and your money directly supports things you would never want to support."

Well, as you probably know, these claims appear to have been greatly exaggerated. The fake designer handbags market has cleaned up its act over the last decade, and while there is still a pocket of the industry that's rather shady, it has for the most part legitimized itself. Most companies now create high grade replica handbags and have raised their business standards, eliminating many of the criminal practices to which the RCMP alluded.

But most people still associate the replica market with the shoddy craftsmanship and questionable labor policies that it used in the 80s, when it really took off as an industry. Part of the reason for this is that Louis Vuitton and the other prominent designers are going to great lengths to keep the public perception of replica purses as low as possible. Their vigorous legal attacks are opportunities to release press statements condemning the morality of replicas, and we see a lot of their propaganda reflected in the statement released by the RCMP.

As for Katharine Richards, she has herself a court date scheduled for the 21st of November. Her parties were held under the business name "Katie's Unique Boutique" and, judging by the amount of merchandise that was seized, it's likely that London's ladies will have to settle for being just a little less fashionable for a while.

So remember, be careful with your knock-offs! The law isn't going to knock down your door just for owning replica handbags, but if you start distributing fake designer handbags out of your living room, you may get yourself into hot water.
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