Getting My Boyfriend Back - Can Positive Thinking Help?
Subsequent to a tough, devastating breakup, majority of us are keen to just do anything to reduce the pain we feel and to get our lovers back by our side. Are you one of those who had already attempted everything you can think of doing but still failed, and now find yourself constantly thinking about how to get back with your ex? If you are, congratulations - this article is the solution to your problem.
Lately, the effects of positive thinking is the talk of the town. It is believed to have huge impact on one's daily life and it seems pretty logical that it could be used to get back with your ex-boyfriend. However, you must bear in mind that positive thinking requires not just thinking. There's more to it than you think. If you've been thinking "if I just think positive about getting back with him, it will happen", you need to continue reading this article so that you truly know how to use positive thinking to help you get what you want.
Two steps are required to make positive thinking works for you. Firstly, you need to picture and imagine clearly in your head, what is it that you truly want. Secondly, you need to take specific action to enable you to turn that picture perfect in your head into reality.
Remember girl, if you all you do is to sit around daydreaming about getting back with your ex, you can be assured that your dreams will not come true. In order to make it happen, you need to think about it and then take positive steps.
The question is: what positive steps should you take? This is the crucial question because all of us can think, but when it comes to action, most of us mess up by taking all kind of wrong actions. What you don't want to do is to frequently contact you ex via texting, email or calling. This is not a positive step; this is what we call a "restraining order." What you actually should be doing is to leave it alone.
Most of you will regard this as a strange piece of advice but this is not. Remember that no reasonable person will find a clingy, weepy desperate individual attractive. Therefore if you really want to make things work, what you should be doing is to work on you. Take some time to do self-reflection and analyze what are your weaknesses, and try to change them. This will not only help you in your relationship but it will improve you too.
Why is this regarded as a "positive step"? This is because it makes you a better person and at the same time, it makes him miss you and it will act as a reminder to remind him of the reason why he fell in love with you.
Also, by taking positive step like this, you have nothing to lose because even if you don't win him back, you had won one of the biggest prize in life: to grow as a person and you now become a better partner in your future relationship.
So, can positive thinking really help you get your ex back? Well... the answer is maybe. Of course, chances of success are increased when you attempted both steps we provided in this article.
Lately, the effects of positive thinking is the talk of the town. It is believed to have huge impact on one's daily life and it seems pretty logical that it could be used to get back with your ex-boyfriend. However, you must bear in mind that positive thinking requires not just thinking. There's more to it than you think. If you've been thinking "if I just think positive about getting back with him, it will happen", you need to continue reading this article so that you truly know how to use positive thinking to help you get what you want.
Two steps are required to make positive thinking works for you. Firstly, you need to picture and imagine clearly in your head, what is it that you truly want. Secondly, you need to take specific action to enable you to turn that picture perfect in your head into reality.
Remember girl, if you all you do is to sit around daydreaming about getting back with your ex, you can be assured that your dreams will not come true. In order to make it happen, you need to think about it and then take positive steps.
The question is: what positive steps should you take? This is the crucial question because all of us can think, but when it comes to action, most of us mess up by taking all kind of wrong actions. What you don't want to do is to frequently contact you ex via texting, email or calling. This is not a positive step; this is what we call a "restraining order." What you actually should be doing is to leave it alone.
Most of you will regard this as a strange piece of advice but this is not. Remember that no reasonable person will find a clingy, weepy desperate individual attractive. Therefore if you really want to make things work, what you should be doing is to work on you. Take some time to do self-reflection and analyze what are your weaknesses, and try to change them. This will not only help you in your relationship but it will improve you too.
Why is this regarded as a "positive step"? This is because it makes you a better person and at the same time, it makes him miss you and it will act as a reminder to remind him of the reason why he fell in love with you.
Also, by taking positive step like this, you have nothing to lose because even if you don't win him back, you had won one of the biggest prize in life: to grow as a person and you now become a better partner in your future relationship.
So, can positive thinking really help you get your ex back? Well... the answer is maybe. Of course, chances of success are increased when you attempted both steps we provided in this article.