A Child Support Attorney Can Help You Collect Back Child Support in Lump Sum
Every state has some stringent laws on the books concerning child support.
These laws state that support of a child support is mandated and should always be paid, or negative consequences could ensue.
Child maintenance laws are based on the fact that regular payments are in the best interest of the child and will make a difference in their everyday life.
A divorce/family law attorney can help enforce an existing order, and make sure that back money due is paid in a lump sum amount if necessary.
According to the statutes, the state will determine how much money is owed per month based on certain statewide guidelines.
These guidelines are set up to ensure that the money owned is a fair amount and that no one gets behind in their support payments.
However, family law attorneys are acutely aware of how many non-custodial parents try to ignore their support obligations.
Sadly, there are simply not enough enforcement agents in the state to follow-up on every delinquent case where back money is owed for the support of a child.
What the Law Has for You By the time many custodial parents are able to track down the non-custodial parent and enforce their support order, they are in dire straits financially.
When you can prove to a judge that your situation warrants it, an order may be made for a lump sum payment on the support order for the child.
You Should Act Now By law, your child is entitled to child support.
If you have not been receiving it for quite sometime, you can be paid the back child support together with the accruing interest.
Your ex-spouse's pay and state and federal tax refunds can be withheld to be used to pay those arrears.
So why not get a child support attorney to help you?
These laws state that support of a child support is mandated and should always be paid, or negative consequences could ensue.
Child maintenance laws are based on the fact that regular payments are in the best interest of the child and will make a difference in their everyday life.
A divorce/family law attorney can help enforce an existing order, and make sure that back money due is paid in a lump sum amount if necessary.
According to the statutes, the state will determine how much money is owed per month based on certain statewide guidelines.
These guidelines are set up to ensure that the money owned is a fair amount and that no one gets behind in their support payments.
However, family law attorneys are acutely aware of how many non-custodial parents try to ignore their support obligations.
Sadly, there are simply not enough enforcement agents in the state to follow-up on every delinquent case where back money is owed for the support of a child.
What the Law Has for You By the time many custodial parents are able to track down the non-custodial parent and enforce their support order, they are in dire straits financially.
When you can prove to a judge that your situation warrants it, an order may be made for a lump sum payment on the support order for the child.
- Pertinent provisions in the statute will determine the amount of interest owed for back support, and also stipulates that a non-paying parent could lose his or drivers license and other privileges awarded by the state.
- Also, there are provisions which state that wages can be withheld from the defendant's paycheck as well as from their state and federal tax refunds.
You Should Act Now By law, your child is entitled to child support.
If you have not been receiving it for quite sometime, you can be paid the back child support together with the accruing interest.
Your ex-spouse's pay and state and federal tax refunds can be withheld to be used to pay those arrears.
So why not get a child support attorney to help you?