Holiday Speeches aren"t always what they should be
That is not to say such speeches should not be motivational. It is an ideal opportunity for the boss to whip up enthusiasm but he should do so in the context of the office party. So the speech should be light-hearted and short instead of long and dreary. It should speak of the good things about office life such as the friendships formed and the achievements made. It should explain why people are gathered together at the end of yet another year.
Most people are looking forward to the break in their working life. Holiday speeches should refer to the fact that such a break is well deserved because of the hard work done during the year. The speeches should talk about the need for a change from everyday life and how it restores people to have such a holiday.
The speeches should be welcoming to both staff and their guests. They should mention the fact that everyone has gone to great lengths to dress appropriately for the occasion. They might include a reference to the fact that it is only at the office party we see people in their true light. The manager for instance, might prove to be a wow at Salsa dancing. A personal assistant might prove to be a wonderful singer.
The speech should mention what a marvelous job each member of staff has done during the past year and the challenges that lie ahead. The Holiday speeches should emphasise the fact that working together is the key to success and that partying together sets the scene for that success. Above all holiday speeches should express the appreciation of the boss for the work done during the past year. He or she might also mention the stalwart work done by the social committee if that is applicable. They should lay emphasis on the fact that he or she expects the staff to let their hair done and party the night away. The speech should obviously end with a happy holiday wish.
Niamh Crowe
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