Popular Photoshop Masking Techniques
Magic wand
Just click your wand on the area of an image you want to select. Photoshop will automatically outline it for you. The Magic Wand is useful for high-resolution photos.
Selection tool
The next you can take is Photoshop Quick Selection Tool. With the Quick Selection Tool results can be more pleasing than the Magic Wand, but since the name suggests its only a quick method.
Lasso tool
Even though the Lasso Tool is an extremely helpful tool for some design workflows but, its not that much useful for image clipping. Its very easy to use, however its main drawback is its lack of ability to produce smooth curves.
Magic eraser tool
Its usually the very first method a Photoshop newcomer employs while removing the background from an image, it is not for professional use though.
Pen tool for advance masking
Photoshop pen tool is the most popular and professional masking method. It takes a lot of time to master it. Since it is a manual tool so, the basic principle is the same as the Lasso Tool. You just need to manually draw around the particular photo object to make a selection. It creates smooth curves that are further editable and can be saved. At first open Photoshop and go to your destination photo folder, now select the image. Now go to the Photoshop palate, select the Pen tool and begin outlining on the particular object. To do this there are two types of method you can use, one is the click and drag approach and the second one is the backtracking method.
While outlining with the Pen tool make sure you are not missing any part and try to stay within your subject. Once the path is complete, just right-click and Make Selection. Now adjust the Feather Radius to avoid abnormal harsh edges. For further editing save it by renaming the Work Path in the Paths palette. Clipping Mask with pen tool is completely done for professional purpose, it takes a lot of skills and design knowledge to master it. So, it is better to get it done by a specialized outsourcing agency.