7 Proven Tips To Help You Lose Weight Fast And Easy
Diet and exercise are the two main options that overweight people look to, in an effort towards losing weight. But if you are desperate to lose fat, really lose weight and stay trim and healthy for the rest of your life, then go ahead, read on.
1. Simply stop all foods and drinks with empty calories. Drinks like low fat smoothies, green tea, cordials, and water are recommended. Whilst eating more fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish, skinless chicken and wholegrain foods have nutritional benefits. And choose low GI carbohydrate foods such as wholegrain pasta, Dongara rice or Basmati rice, multi-grain bread to help curb hunger. In others words, limit the fruit juices, donuts, white breads, take outs, fast foods and soft drinks as much as possible.
2. Drinking eight to ten glasses of water per day cleanses your system of the impurities and washes away the waste from the cells. The rule of the thumb being, that you should drink half-ounce of water for every pound of body weight daily. This is unless youre very active, in which case you should increase your water intake to two-thirds of an ounce per pound, of body weight daily.
3. Burning more calories than consumed is a method of losing weight that works for many people. Also, foods that are high in fat are usually high in calories, according to an article on familydoctor.org, so it is a good idea to stay away from high-fat foods when trying to lose weight.
4. White Sugar, Refined Salt, White Flour, and Dairy. You will feel more energetic and lose weight by not eating any of these foods. Avoid eating Dairy it is a big factor for why a lot of people can not lose weight. Eat green leafy vegetables to get your calcium.
5. Once you begin a healthy eating regime, it is important to stick to it. Give yourself at least one month to get used to eating differently. Remember, a habit takes that long to be broken. Since eating badly is a habit, you will have to re-train yourself to eat in moderation. Cut out pointless snacking, so lay off the potato chips and soda. While you don't have to give these foods up forever, you will have to cut down until you have learned not to gorge on them.
6. While most of us are used to stuffing ourselves silly, in the three huge meals that we have in a day, dietitians recommend an alternative route. The better and faster way of losing weight is to break up your meals into 5 or 6 smaller ones which will help speed up your metabolism and keep you from getting too hungry in between meals.
7. While it is important to cut calories when trying to lose weight, it is also essential to not starve your body. Eating frequent small meals throughout the day will help keep your body out of starvation mode. When the body goes into starvation mode, it has a tendency to experience weight regain. On netwellness.org, Dr. Shirley Kindrick points out that the goal should be to eat between 4 and 6 small meals a day to avoid starvation.
1. Simply stop all foods and drinks with empty calories. Drinks like low fat smoothies, green tea, cordials, and water are recommended. Whilst eating more fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish, skinless chicken and wholegrain foods have nutritional benefits. And choose low GI carbohydrate foods such as wholegrain pasta, Dongara rice or Basmati rice, multi-grain bread to help curb hunger. In others words, limit the fruit juices, donuts, white breads, take outs, fast foods and soft drinks as much as possible.
2. Drinking eight to ten glasses of water per day cleanses your system of the impurities and washes away the waste from the cells. The rule of the thumb being, that you should drink half-ounce of water for every pound of body weight daily. This is unless youre very active, in which case you should increase your water intake to two-thirds of an ounce per pound, of body weight daily.
3. Burning more calories than consumed is a method of losing weight that works for many people. Also, foods that are high in fat are usually high in calories, according to an article on familydoctor.org, so it is a good idea to stay away from high-fat foods when trying to lose weight.
4. White Sugar, Refined Salt, White Flour, and Dairy. You will feel more energetic and lose weight by not eating any of these foods. Avoid eating Dairy it is a big factor for why a lot of people can not lose weight. Eat green leafy vegetables to get your calcium.
5. Once you begin a healthy eating regime, it is important to stick to it. Give yourself at least one month to get used to eating differently. Remember, a habit takes that long to be broken. Since eating badly is a habit, you will have to re-train yourself to eat in moderation. Cut out pointless snacking, so lay off the potato chips and soda. While you don't have to give these foods up forever, you will have to cut down until you have learned not to gorge on them.
6. While most of us are used to stuffing ourselves silly, in the three huge meals that we have in a day, dietitians recommend an alternative route. The better and faster way of losing weight is to break up your meals into 5 or 6 smaller ones which will help speed up your metabolism and keep you from getting too hungry in between meals.
7. While it is important to cut calories when trying to lose weight, it is also essential to not starve your body. Eating frequent small meals throughout the day will help keep your body out of starvation mode. When the body goes into starvation mode, it has a tendency to experience weight regain. On netwellness.org, Dr. Shirley Kindrick points out that the goal should be to eat between 4 and 6 small meals a day to avoid starvation.