What If Financial Hardship Hits You?
This trend of financial ignorance, with no emergency savings made by many, exposes them to economic shocks.
The average American family has very little financial elbow-room; close to half the population has trouble covering even the monthly expenses. Just over half the population lacks a household rainy-day fund that could cover three months of living.
A study reveals a surprising fact that nearly 30% Americans have no savings account at all. Nearly that same percentage has at least four credit cards to handle, which further exacerbates the situation.
Very few Americans were found to compare credit cards or other such financial accessories available in the market before choosing a product and they end up paying out higher rates of interest than they needed to.
Many Americans use mortgages to get out of the financial mess of credit cards and other loans . But this trick only works for a while and before long if financial matters dont improve then houses can be under the threat of repossession. A study says 20% of those with home loans did not know whether they held an interest-only mortgage or a loan that includes this option. Another 10% did not know their interest rate at all. Financial pressures are hitting many people from young to the old and the health burden that carries is vast. Relationship Problems, divorce , substance abuse, stress and anxiety , fear from the future , depression , panic attacks , psychosomatic illness is on the rise as financial pressures squeeze families from all walks of life.
The Ill-Effects Of Financial Hardship
Personal Health: Financial hardship exposes a person to stress. Financial stress can cause depression, anxiety, backache, stomachache and insomnia. The self esteem diminishes and moods can sours. Social interactions become minimal individuals withdraw from society/exposure, trying to crawl into a safe shell of isolation. This further destabilizes the emotional well being of individuals. They can become irritated at their own behavior and situation.
People start to blame society for personal misfortune and aggression can start to show in behavior patterns.. People are at a loss as to how and what to do next to stabilize financial positions and uncertainty can become mental torture. As an escape route, people tend to increase financial borrowing, which in turn is a short-term solution and can lead to further financial collapse. Often emergency loans come at the price of high interest rates with no tolerance of late payments. Feeling like their lives are in ruin, many people turn to alcohol or drugs in an attempt to numb the mind from the constant worry and looming fear of financial meltdown.
Family Tension: A persons irritability and lowered self-esteem/confidence ultimately can lead to broader family tension. When it gets difficult to make ends meet, it always creates undue quarrels and strife in the family. These dissentions further make life miserable for the person can feel pressured from all angles. Social interactions can worsen due to this. In some cases this even leads to separation and divorce. A woman/man feels ashamed that they cannot run the family properly. They feel a failure and looked down upon in society.
Children Affected: Children are also bearers of the ill-effects of their parents financial health. Tension in homes can spill over to kids. They too feel pressure as parents moods change, stress and tensions are felt and financial cut backs are made in the home . Children often do not understand what is happening and often have no one to share their concerns or worries with. Children can start to feel unstable and insecure as their surroundings start to be affected by the growing strains of financial worry. Their mental wellbeing can suffer as their sense of security takes a hit. Children may fall behind in work, lack concentration in classes and they may start to feel like failures.
Studies say parents who are financially unstable, have children who start to face socio-emotional problems (loneliness, depression, inferiority etc) and face increased risk of conflicts with their parents.
Way out?
To avoid increased stress the first step that families can take is to be honest with themselves and evaluate their financial situation. Calculate how much is money is outstanding or owed, work out and list who that is to and when it needs to be paid. Work out what money is coming into the household and whether there are any assets that can be sold.
Find out if the lenders or creditors are able to help. Often there are schemes that can reduce payments temporarily. Charitable debt management services can help give advice. Seek out help and be honest with lenders. Once this is done and the problem has been owned up to, then stress starts to lift. Many people ignore debt and let bills pile up. If debt is tackled early then there is often help at hand to advise on solutions.
One of the biggest problems that face families at this time is stress and anxiety. Whilst doctors can prescribe anti depressants, complimentary techniques like getting out of the house, meditating, trying relaxation exercises, sharing worries with friends, taking exercise can help take the edge off stress, but in reality many families find the stress of debt hard to handle and find it difficult to switch off from the fear and worry of financial collapse.
One approach that really has shown to reduce or even eliminate stress and anxiety as well as gradually bring about opportunities to resolve the root cause of worries is the Trivedi Effect. Thousands of people have given testimony after experiencing the Trivedi Effect People previously suffering from acute depressive disorders have given testimony that they have found relief from their disorder and are experiencing incredible improvement in their overall mental health and happiness, emotional and psychological balance, financial abundance and relationships. The Trivedi Effect has the ability to eliminate the root causes of problems over time. It has the power to optimize a persons potential and bring inner peace and mental calmness, allowing people to resolve problems and find true happiness in their lives. Many people have given testimony to say the Trivedi Effect helped to resolve financial worries by increasing financial abundance or bringing in new job opportunities.
The Trivedi Effect
The Trivedi Effect is a natural phenomenon that was introduced to the world through Mahendra Kumar Trivedi (commonly known as Mr. Guruji). The Trivedi Effect is a natural phenomenon that harnesses a universal energy that is capable of transforming and enhancing living organisms and non-living materials in a way that optimizes performance so that they may serve a higher purpose and ultimately be of greater benefit to humanity and the world. The energy is transmitted to the recipient through the thoughts of individuals. Mahendra Trivedi, Dahryn Trivedi (his wife), and Gopal Nayak all have the ability to transmit this energy to any place on the globe through the power of their thoughts. Upon receiving this energy, the subject transforms in remarkable and extraordinary ways. To find out more about the Trivedi Effect visit the website at www.trivedieffect.com
The effects of the energy transmissions have been carefully explored, researched, and documented by scientists from all over the world. What Mahendra Trivedi can do within a few moments, by merely focusing his thoughts, has astounded and bewildered scientists. Mahendra Trivedi founded the charitable organization Trivedi Foundation in 2009 in order to authenticate the abilities of this energy through the objective field of science (More information about the Trivedi Foundation can be found at www.Trivedifoundation.org) This energy has been tested in over 4,000 experiments conducted using stringent methodologies and the most advanced technology available on this planet. Experiments have been performed on trees, plants, animals, water, cells, bacteria, viruses, metals, ceramics and polymers in the varied fields of material science, microbiology, agriculture, medical science, biochemistry and animal husbandry. Many results have been published in leading international, peer-reviewed, scientific journals. Each experiment showed drastic transformation with consistent and repeatable results. The resulting changes show that this energy has the remarkable ability to improve the functionality and potential of the recipient. To find out more about Trivedi Science or read the publications, see
In 2011, Mahendra Trivedi founded the company Trivedi Master Wellness so that people from all over the world could start to learn about this energy and register for energy transmission programs. Through these programs people can experience the profound benefits of receiving this energy. The beauty of these Energy Transmissions, is that they can be received from anywhere in the world, and many programs are designed to work while the recipient sleeps. It is noninvasive and causes no additional stress, hassle, or increased exertion in the lives of those that are registered for the programs.
Thousands of people who have experienced this treatment have left written or video testimonials, suggesting that the Trivedi Effect really does work. Many exposed to the Trivedi Effect have experienced significant improvements and, in many cases, complete resolution from many conditions that are hard to treat. People have reported relief from their depression, anxiety, panic attacks, stress, fear from the future, insomnia, menstrual problems, anger problems, mood disorders, autism, ADD, ADHD, fatigue, chronic fatigue, psychosomatic disorders, skin problems, and eating disorders amongst many more. People from all ages and walks of life have found vast improvements and transformation in their lives upon receiving the Trivedi Effect. People state they have benefitted by experiencing improved physical and mental health, emotional and psychological balance, increased financial abundance and deeper and happier relationships. This energy gradually has the ability to eliminate the root causes of problems. Over time, this energy has the power to optimize a persons potential and bring inner peace and mental calmness, allowing people to find true happiness in their lives.To hear the peoples testimonies for yourself, go to www.triveditestimonials.com.
So one may ask, how does this energy work? Mahendra Trivedi explains that the energy connects people to their inner guidance system in such a way that, within a short period of time, people start harnessing the Life Force/Vital Force from the God of their understanding. That Life Force/Grace of God has the ability to bring everything into a persons life.
To find out about how to receive Energy Transmissions or register for a program please go to the Trivedi Master Wellness website at www.trivedimasterwellness.com There are a number of regular transmission programs (Trivedi Master Wellness Programs) and energy-infused Trivedi Products available for people, all with the aim to regularly infuse people with this miraculous energy so that they can cumulatively increase their benefits, start to experience expanded levels of higher consciousness, and find peace and happiness in their lives. Energy infused products are available at the website www.trivediproducts.com