Dc Universe Online Guide Book?
If you're trying to find some good DCUO strategy that you can use to begin playing the game well then this article should provide you with a couple of tips that you can use in the game. I'm going to go over some basics of the game, as well as how you can improve your play style and become a better player. Let's get into it below.
Fire Power
Fire power is the kind of power that you can find in most games because it's a crowd favorite. It's the kind of power that is always blowing things up and making people turn on fire, no wonder it's so popular. In this game it's one of the most powerful specs that you can choose because of the dynamics of it. You can be a tank or do a lot of serious damage. You have a decent amount of control too, as you can stun and disorient your enemies while you heal up in the back.
General Mental Powers Information
Mental powers can be compared to other kinds of casters, particularly wizards and mages. If you have ever seen a wizard in action, or anybody else that can control objects and others, then you have pretty much seen a "mentalist" in action. It's no different in this game, except that you may even have more power than you have seen others wield.
General Mental Powers Information
Mental powers can be compared to other kinds of casters, particularly wizards and mages. If you have ever seen a wizard in action, or anybody else that can control objects and others, then you have pretty much seen a "mentalist" in action. It's no different in this game, except that you may even have more power than you have seen others wield.
Super speed
Super speed is like the Flash - you will run very quickly. This allows you to attack faster than enemies can see you, as well as run circles around them / get out of harms way very easily. You can even run up buildings, walk on water, and get around faster than anybody else in the game currently.
Be aware - look around and know what's happening
One of the biggest things that people ask for in the game is knowing what's around you, and knowing what's happening. If you are unaware of things that are happening around you then you will be in a terrible position to react to it. We have a free moving camera - use it! There isn't any reason to not be
Fire Power
Fire power is the kind of power that you can find in most games because it's a crowd favorite. It's the kind of power that is always blowing things up and making people turn on fire, no wonder it's so popular. In this game it's one of the most powerful specs that you can choose because of the dynamics of it. You can be a tank or do a lot of serious damage. You have a decent amount of control too, as you can stun and disorient your enemies while you heal up in the back.
General Mental Powers Information
Mental powers can be compared to other kinds of casters, particularly wizards and mages. If you have ever seen a wizard in action, or anybody else that can control objects and others, then you have pretty much seen a "mentalist" in action. It's no different in this game, except that you may even have more power than you have seen others wield.
General Mental Powers Information
Mental powers can be compared to other kinds of casters, particularly wizards and mages. If you have ever seen a wizard in action, or anybody else that can control objects and others, then you have pretty much seen a "mentalist" in action. It's no different in this game, except that you may even have more power than you have seen others wield.
Super speed
Super speed is like the Flash - you will run very quickly. This allows you to attack faster than enemies can see you, as well as run circles around them / get out of harms way very easily. You can even run up buildings, walk on water, and get around faster than anybody else in the game currently.
Be aware - look around and know what's happening
One of the biggest things that people ask for in the game is knowing what's around you, and knowing what's happening. If you are unaware of things that are happening around you then you will be in a terrible position to react to it. We have a free moving camera - use it! There isn't any reason to not be