Marketing Your Book Effectively on the Internet - 5 Powerful Ideas For Online Promotion
Since you are one of that rare breed that has actually finished YOUR book then now is the time to build an effective Internet marketing plan for advertising and promoting your book online.
These 5 steps are basic building blocks for promoting yourself and your book online: 1) Facebook - a "friends and family" casual meeting place to build your web profile for those who already know you.
If you are new to Facebook, take the time to learn all about it.
Be sure and cross link all of your "Social Media" profiles by providing the URLs for websites and blogs that you have on your profile pages.
2) Linkedin - for business contacts.
Linkedin has become the standard for professionals to build community and value on the Internet.
Your profile photo should be a professional head shot, in this case, the same as the one on your book.
Use Linkedin to build your list of connections and network with them by posting to Group Discussions and becoming known as a thought leader with valuable contributions to the conversation.
Linkedin will build your personal "online brand".
The Linkedin profile page has URL entries for "My Web Site" and "My Company".
Use these features to link to your websites.
Participate and initiate "Discussions" with questions and provocative statements with the URL to your website to drive traffic and promote your book.
3) Twitter is HUGE and growing fast.
Twitter uses 140 text characters to tell the world what you are up to.
"Tweets" are like broadcasting text "soundbytes" to the community.
There are two kinds of people on Twitter: People that "Follow" you and people you are "Following".
When you create your profile on Twitter, do a search for people and groups that would be interested in you and your book and follow as many "Twitterers" as you can.
Recently, a celebrity on Twitter passed the one million mark for followers.
Think of the impact one million tweets can have! Always try to tweet something of value and include a link to your site when appropriate.
Make sure your Twitter profile has URL links to your website and blogs, too.
4) EzineArticles - Article Marketing for promotion of your book on the Internet.
Set up an account and enroll as an author on EzineArticles.
com and post articles related to your book and subject matter expertise.
EzineArticles will build your reputation that can drive traffic back to your blog to promote your book.
Be sure to learn the rules for using EzineArticles properly.
Use the Resource Page for your articles to link to your website.
5) Build 2 Blogs - One For Your Book And One For Its Author You can get a professional presence on the Internet with blogs at wordPress.
com or blogspot.
The good news is these tools are available to all for no cost! I recommend WordPress because of its powerful software and large community for support.
WordPress allows you to build a website and is simple to use for newbies.
WordPress works well for the solopreneurs and writers of all types.
If you are not familiar with blogs and WordPress, search Google for how-to information on blogging basics in general and WordPress specifically.
Blog 1 - Your Book Blog.
Your book blog should obviously contain the name of the book.
You will also want to reserve the domain name for your book title.
A domain name can be registered inexpensively.
Your blog for your book must contain: A short Biography on the "About" page, a synopsis of the book,testimonials and an order form or page.
Blog 2 - Your personal author's blog should be about YOU - as the author and authority on your subject.
Look at other author's sites and blogs and get ideas for your own.
The most important goal of your blog is to introduce yourself to the world.
Try this plan for marketing your book online to greatly increase the odds of your success.
(c) Copyright 2009 Allen Dresser - All Rights Reserved