Obama"s Persecution of Dinesh D"Souza

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Dinesh D'Souza fits most of the criteria of Barack Hussein Obama's favored and favorite people: an immigrant, a minority, a person of color. However, D'Souza lacks a few essential elements for inclusion in the president's exclusive club: He's a Christian conservative and, worse, he's not especially fond of Obama or what he is doing to our country.

In fact, D'Souza, a best-selling author and filmmaker, is even farther from being a liberal than most members of the small band of Hollywood conservatives so it was only a matter of time before Obama's intolerant henchmen in Eric Holder's Department of Justice went after him.

And, go after him they did, with a vengeance, by indicting him for alleged violations of campaign finance laws.

D'Souza's alleged crime? Donating $20,000 to the 2012 senatorial campaign of an old Dartmouth College friend, conservative Republican Wendy Long, who was challenging liberal Democrat New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. He was charged with one count of making illegal campaign contributions, carrying a maximum sentence of two years in prison and one count of causing false statements to be made to the FEC, carrying a maximum of five years and released on $500,000 bond.

TheBlaze.com illustrated the exorbitance of that half-million dollar figure by posting a list of nine hardened criminals who had bail set for lesser amounts.

The list includes ex-convict Darnell Richmond who was released on $400,000 bond after being charged with robbing or attempting to rob four people and raping one victim three months after he got out of prison, Barry Eltman charged with aggravated sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child after he allegedly attacked a 15-year-old family member, and Jon Michael Jones who was being held on a charge of intentional child abuse and inflicting serious injury on his newborn infant.

See the other six accused criminals who were evidently deemed less dangerous than Dinesh D'Souza...

Bombay (Mumbai)-born D'Souza is the prolific author of a wide variety of books including The Roots of Obama's Rage, (2010), and Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream, (2012). It was those best-sellers along with his critically-unacclaimed blockbuster film, 2016: Obama's America (the 2nd highest grossing documentary movie ever) and his America (set for release on July 4th) that undoubtedly tipped off the president and his minions that the 52 year old was not a Friends of Barry candidate and therefore constituted a threat.

(See D'Souza's America trailer, a defense of America, here http://vimeo.com/84333052.)

Gerald Molen, co-producer of 2016, contends D'Souza was selectively and unjustly indicted just as the IRS has selectively and unjustly targeted conservative Tea Party groups for retribution.

As Molen, who previously produced Schindler's List among many other outstanding movies, said, €In light of the recent events and the way the IRS has been used to stifle dissent, this arrest should send shivers down the spines of all freedom-loving Americans.€

Molen also warned that, €When American citizens begin to suspect that people are being arrested for alleged minor violations because of their vocal dissent against their elected representatives or rulers, it breeds disrespect and contempt for the law and suspicion of those officials€ and predicted, €If this unfortunate action against Dinesh is intended to deter the release of his upcoming film, America, that effort will fail.€

That suspicion among Americans has existed for quite a while as we have repeatedly witnessed incidents of justice meted out by the Obama administration on political bases and subjective witch hunts invariably targeting conservatives. Dinesh D'Souza may or may not beat the latest rap but his film America will still be released on Independence Day, no matter what.

So, stick that in your authoritarian pipe, Mr. Obama, and chalk up another failed attempt at repression!
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