Landlord Insurance Riot and Civil Commotion
Following the riots that swept across England within the last fortnight there are a lot of people on the internet and other places that have seen the damage that has been done and many are asking if they would be covered under landlord insurance if their rented property was one of the unfortunate ones that was set alight or burgled would they be covered by their insurance and would they have any trouble claiming?
Everyone in the country and a lot of people around the world saw the shops and houses up in flames, the police and the public squaring off at hotspots all around England and insurance companies have said that the damage that they will have to cover will run into millions of pounds worth of damage and hence all our insurance premiums on shops, houses, flats, offices will probably all rise over the course of the next year so that the insurance companies can try and get some money back from this.
Every landlord insurance policy that I have ever seen offers cover against Riot, Civil Commotion, Strikes, Labour or Political Disturbances meaning the in any case where the property was being lived in then landlord insurance should cover this, however I have not seen every companies policy out there and can only confirm that out of the ones that I have seen all of them do cover it except in the event that the property is unoccupied.
There have also been a lot of cases at the moment where the insurance companies have been putting it in their policies that if the property is in Northern Ireland then they won't actually cover this peril due to the history of claims and incidents that insurance companies have had to deal with in this area and therefore they see it as the only solution that they will just not cover any damage done to properties in the area by these perils.
However if this was to happen in your area then it could seriously damage you property and leave you with a lot of damage that you would have to pay to repair so it may be worthwhile to have a long look around until you find and insurance company that is willing to cover the peril on your policy, especially as we have just seen that even in these times riots can still happen and when they do the amount of damage that can be caused runs into millions of pounds and if you don't have cover then you will have to pay out of your own pocket.
Everyone in the country and a lot of people around the world saw the shops and houses up in flames, the police and the public squaring off at hotspots all around England and insurance companies have said that the damage that they will have to cover will run into millions of pounds worth of damage and hence all our insurance premiums on shops, houses, flats, offices will probably all rise over the course of the next year so that the insurance companies can try and get some money back from this.
Every landlord insurance policy that I have ever seen offers cover against Riot, Civil Commotion, Strikes, Labour or Political Disturbances meaning the in any case where the property was being lived in then landlord insurance should cover this, however I have not seen every companies policy out there and can only confirm that out of the ones that I have seen all of them do cover it except in the event that the property is unoccupied.
There have also been a lot of cases at the moment where the insurance companies have been putting it in their policies that if the property is in Northern Ireland then they won't actually cover this peril due to the history of claims and incidents that insurance companies have had to deal with in this area and therefore they see it as the only solution that they will just not cover any damage done to properties in the area by these perils.
However if this was to happen in your area then it could seriously damage you property and leave you with a lot of damage that you would have to pay to repair so it may be worthwhile to have a long look around until you find and insurance company that is willing to cover the peril on your policy, especially as we have just seen that even in these times riots can still happen and when they do the amount of damage that can be caused runs into millions of pounds and if you don't have cover then you will have to pay out of your own pocket.