Hemorrhoids also spell as hemroids refer to as piles.
Hemorrhoids can define as swollen blood vessels in and around the anus that cause itching, pain, and sometimes bleeding.
Swelling of rectum veins is the main characteristic of hemorrhoid.
Hemorrhoids can be classified into two categories on the basis of their occurrence - Internal Hemorrhoids and External Hemorrhoids.
As is suggestive from the name, internal hemorrhoids occur in inner rectal region of the human body.
Strain caused during passing motions is the main cause of occurrence internal hemorrhoids.
The main characteristics of internal hemorrhoids is clotting of blood in rectal various veins.
Internal hemorrhoids can be described by damaged veins and bleedings.
The veins are damaged due to hardness of stool when hard stool is obstructed by the enlarged veins.
When these veins get damaged blood occurs while passing motion.
Abnormal growth around rectal region is main characteristic of external hemorrhoid.
External hemorrhoid can be noticed by conducting physical examination of anal area, specifically anus outer opening.
There are number of factors associated with occurrence of hemorrhoids.
Some of the main factors include eating oily and spicy food, irregular and inadequate sleep, prolonged sittings at one place, irregularity in passing stools, smoking or chewing tobacco, high temperature working atmosphere, unstable mental condition, idleness etc.
Rectum and rectal region are the primary symptoms of hemorrhoid occurrence.
Some other common symptoms of hemorrhoids are - irritation or itching of rectal area, swelling in anus or internal anus area, formation of blood clots inside the anus, difficulty (obstruction) in passing motion and etc.
There are different options available for treatments of hemorrhoids.
Obtaining complete information and adhering to preventive measures is the best of treating hemorrhoids.
There are various treatment options are available for treat hemorrhoids like use of various ointments, herbal medicines and surgery.
Plants like horse chestnut, pagoda trees and butcher tree are used for preparing herbal creams and medicines of hemorrhoids.
Surgery is another option of hemorrhoid treatments.
Hemorrhoids can define as swollen blood vessels in and around the anus that cause itching, pain, and sometimes bleeding.
Swelling of rectum veins is the main characteristic of hemorrhoid.
Hemorrhoids can be classified into two categories on the basis of their occurrence - Internal Hemorrhoids and External Hemorrhoids.
As is suggestive from the name, internal hemorrhoids occur in inner rectal region of the human body.
Strain caused during passing motions is the main cause of occurrence internal hemorrhoids.
The main characteristics of internal hemorrhoids is clotting of blood in rectal various veins.
Internal hemorrhoids can be described by damaged veins and bleedings.
The veins are damaged due to hardness of stool when hard stool is obstructed by the enlarged veins.
When these veins get damaged blood occurs while passing motion.
Abnormal growth around rectal region is main characteristic of external hemorrhoid.
External hemorrhoid can be noticed by conducting physical examination of anal area, specifically anus outer opening.
There are number of factors associated with occurrence of hemorrhoids.
Some of the main factors include eating oily and spicy food, irregular and inadequate sleep, prolonged sittings at one place, irregularity in passing stools, smoking or chewing tobacco, high temperature working atmosphere, unstable mental condition, idleness etc.
Rectum and rectal region are the primary symptoms of hemorrhoid occurrence.
Some other common symptoms of hemorrhoids are - irritation or itching of rectal area, swelling in anus or internal anus area, formation of blood clots inside the anus, difficulty (obstruction) in passing motion and etc.
There are different options available for treatments of hemorrhoids.
Obtaining complete information and adhering to preventive measures is the best of treating hemorrhoids.
There are various treatment options are available for treat hemorrhoids like use of various ointments, herbal medicines and surgery.
Plants like horse chestnut, pagoda trees and butcher tree are used for preparing herbal creams and medicines of hemorrhoids.
Surgery is another option of hemorrhoid treatments.