The Stock Market, Your Money, and the American Revolution: An Uranian Astrologers Viewpoint
I have to apologize for not being in touch with you my readers sooner, but astrologers are victims of transits as well.
I also would like you to forgive the grammatical errors; my friend who edits my work is also on over load.
During the Mercury retrograde period of August 2010 I have decided to do my forecast again, but not as detailed as I did before.
Mercury had gone retrograde creating a planetary picture in my chart of progressed Sun + Mercury station retrograde = my Jupiter.
This says it would be best for me to rethink my communication decisions, and should get back to reaching out and touching everyone with my words, so here I am again.
September came and went and the question of the day is still "Do you know where your money is, and should I get back into the stock market"? Even though Saturn is no longer on the cardinal axis, at the same time Saturn is no longer squaring Pluto and Jupiter.
This does not mean the trouble is over, it is far from it.
Now we are in the third week of October and Venus is retrograde.
Many of you are saying it is not so bad, the Venus retro can be bringing back the positive money times, especially since Venus has been semi-squaring Jupiter and Uranus.
Jupiter and Uranus promise's more that it delivers, and can have one throwing caution to the wind.
Be forewarned, what is ahead in 2011 and 2012 will have your heads spinning even though it appears that the financial crash was a false alarm and everything is back to normal.
With Hades on the cardinal axis you can no tell the good guys from the bad ones, and that is not good for us with mid-term elections only two weeks away.
With Pluto + Uranus = Hades + Aries.
This formula means, the changes initiated due to the election can turn out to have unpleasant results, so be careful who you vote for you may regret it later.
In other words be careful what you wish for, you can be the victim of said wish.
On Friday October 22nd there will be a full moon 29 degree 23 Libra Aries, which will be 22 ½ to the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto, this planetary picture would normally herald a down day or period in the stock market.
At the same time Saturn will be 135 degrees from Neptune, illness and chronic health issues will rule the moment, in fact the candidates that address the issues of health care may be the ones heading to Washington.
With Saturn hitting Neptune, health care or the lack of it is a major concern in the minds of people, as the changing weather brings colds and flu's.
The Saturn Neptune combo will stretch the boundaries, what has been thought as normal is not longer normal, and what has been considered abnormal is now the norm.
We are having to publicized women running for senate seats on the East Coast, one is the wife of the head of the Wide World of Wrestling, and the other is heralded as a Witch, well next week is Halloween.
And two days later we have our mid-term elections.
It is very interesting that we are dealing with a new party called the tea party, but what is heralded as new is really old.
The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was there we had the American revolution, and that began with the Boston Tea Party, and at the same time the US is about to have its Saturn return.
Take a moment and reflect back to when you had your Saturn return; it was not a fun year, for those of you who have not reached your first Saturn return, think back to when you were 21 1/2 or 22 years of age.
At that time you were having the last Saturn square before Saturn makes it return between ages 27 and 30 years of age.
My suggestion to you my readers do not take on loans or excess financial burden, wait to buy a house or car for now, you may live to regret it.
I also would like you to forgive the grammatical errors; my friend who edits my work is also on over load.
During the Mercury retrograde period of August 2010 I have decided to do my forecast again, but not as detailed as I did before.
Mercury had gone retrograde creating a planetary picture in my chart of progressed Sun + Mercury station retrograde = my Jupiter.
This says it would be best for me to rethink my communication decisions, and should get back to reaching out and touching everyone with my words, so here I am again.
September came and went and the question of the day is still "Do you know where your money is, and should I get back into the stock market"? Even though Saturn is no longer on the cardinal axis, at the same time Saturn is no longer squaring Pluto and Jupiter.
This does not mean the trouble is over, it is far from it.
Now we are in the third week of October and Venus is retrograde.
Many of you are saying it is not so bad, the Venus retro can be bringing back the positive money times, especially since Venus has been semi-squaring Jupiter and Uranus.
Jupiter and Uranus promise's more that it delivers, and can have one throwing caution to the wind.
Be forewarned, what is ahead in 2011 and 2012 will have your heads spinning even though it appears that the financial crash was a false alarm and everything is back to normal.
With Hades on the cardinal axis you can no tell the good guys from the bad ones, and that is not good for us with mid-term elections only two weeks away.
With Pluto + Uranus = Hades + Aries.
This formula means, the changes initiated due to the election can turn out to have unpleasant results, so be careful who you vote for you may regret it later.
In other words be careful what you wish for, you can be the victim of said wish.
On Friday October 22nd there will be a full moon 29 degree 23 Libra Aries, which will be 22 ½ to the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto, this planetary picture would normally herald a down day or period in the stock market.
At the same time Saturn will be 135 degrees from Neptune, illness and chronic health issues will rule the moment, in fact the candidates that address the issues of health care may be the ones heading to Washington.
With Saturn hitting Neptune, health care or the lack of it is a major concern in the minds of people, as the changing weather brings colds and flu's.
The Saturn Neptune combo will stretch the boundaries, what has been thought as normal is not longer normal, and what has been considered abnormal is now the norm.
We are having to publicized women running for senate seats on the East Coast, one is the wife of the head of the Wide World of Wrestling, and the other is heralded as a Witch, well next week is Halloween.
And two days later we have our mid-term elections.
It is very interesting that we are dealing with a new party called the tea party, but what is heralded as new is really old.
The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was there we had the American revolution, and that began with the Boston Tea Party, and at the same time the US is about to have its Saturn return.
Take a moment and reflect back to when you had your Saturn return; it was not a fun year, for those of you who have not reached your first Saturn return, think back to when you were 21 1/2 or 22 years of age.
At that time you were having the last Saturn square before Saturn makes it return between ages 27 and 30 years of age.
My suggestion to you my readers do not take on loans or excess financial burden, wait to buy a house or car for now, you may live to regret it.