How to Raise a 2-Year-Old Girl
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Little girls learn how and what to eat from an early age.BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images
Emphasize healthy eating. According to the Texas Children's Hospital, 20 to 40 percent of young girls begin to diet by the age of 10. It's important to instill a sense of prudent, healthy eating. Do not encourage your daughter to eat more than she wants to, as this may lead to self-esteem issues in the future. Never tell your 2-year-old girl that she is overweight, out of shape or fat. By showing your toddler how to eat in moderation, she will pick up your good habits. - 2
Putting away toys is a great chore to teach toddlers responsibility.Pixland/Pixland/Getty Images
Give her some responsibilities. By age 2, most children can put away their plates once they are finished eating. Your 2-year-old girl should understand that organization and hygiene are keys to a healthful, less stressful life. Do not get frustrated, however, when she forgets or spills things; children are meant to be children, after all. - 3
Don't let older siblings bully younger ones.Darrin Klimek/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Come to her aid immediately. It's not good to ignore a 2-year-old girl's cry for help, even if you think she's crying wolf. Parents teach their children whether the world around them is hopeful or depressing through their constant interactions, which can be both positive and negative. If she cries in the middle of the night because of a nightmare, do not ignore her and go back to sleep. Older siblings also can be a source of stress to a toddler, so make certain that they are not picking on her when your back is turned.