The Mage Leveling Guide: Choosing a Talent Spec
Many players don't realize just how how many advantages they have in a PvE environment.
The Mage class, while widely respected in PvP realms, has a pretty solid reputation as being a glass cannon.
This doesn't have to be the case, however, as Mages can actually be a pretty good solo class if a player takes the time to learn a few simple techniques.
Mages can teleport between continents, create their own water and food, and blink to both escape danger and cut down on running time.
All of these abilities can be very useful both inside and outside of PvE combat.
The most difficult part about starting a new Mage is how to distribute talents points.
There are three main builds: Arcane, Fire, and Frost.
Many solo Mages prefer a Frost build while others prefer a much more dangerous (but higher DPS) Fire build.
While the Frost build is more mana efficient and generally safer, the best combination in terms of killing speed is a hybrid between the Fire/Arcane talent trees.
By going this talent tree route, players will be able to deal both massive daMage and take down enemies a lot quicker than their Frost specialization counterparts.
Leveling a Fire Mage Playing a Mage is all about preventing HP loss before it ever happens.
The general starting routine for a Fire Mage is a Pyroblast (or Fireball), a second Fireball, and then finishing up with a Fire Blast.
By this time, the target is usually dead, but Frost Nova can give Mages a moment to step back and pop off another combo if it's still moving.
In later levels, Dragon Breath and Blast Wave become a destructive combo that can finish even the most vicious monsters.
Fire Mages are all about raw power, and so a mage's DPS will be nothing to be shy about.
Unfortunately, this just means that they have to be extra careful during raids.
After all, just because a player can spank it doesn't mean they can tank it.
Fire Mages can be an amazing asset to a raid team as long as they are able to cooperate properly with their teammates.
A lot of players are probably questioning why the ability "Scorch" was not mentioned, and that is because players can't learn Scorch until receiving Hot Streak.
Blazing Speed, Molten Shields, and Fiery Payback are all unnecessary for the purpose of leveling.
It's much better to focus on better killing speed in a PvE environment and respect to a PvP build later.
Impact is a very nice ability for Mages to have, however, because often mobs will be stunned before they can actually reach a Mage.
There is almost a fifty percent chance that a mob will get stunned before he reaches a player as four or so Fire spells are cast before it can draw close.
Leveling an Arcane/Fire Mage This seems to be the most efficient build in terms of leveling speed and mana regeneration.
With this build, nearly 60% of regeneration will continue while a Mage is casting.
This is also a strong critical hit build, which will allow about 30% of a spell's cost to be refunded after casting.
Mages really benefit from the extra 15% intellect and 10% spirit that the Arcane talent tree provides.
As a bonus for mana regeneration, about 10% of the spells cast will be completely free of any cost.
Although a Mage will receive more AoE spells using this build, Fireballs and Pyroblasts are still the choice spam spells during combat.
The upside to this will be seen during aggro attacks (it could be reckoned that Mages have a +30% aggro racial ability built in).
With the boost given to Arcane Explosion from choosing this talent tree, Mages will be able to fend off an aggro horde without being in constant danger of death.
Arcane Power and Presence of Mind will also be two lifesaving abilities that can give off high burst damage in tight spots.
Leveling a Frost/Safety Mage Frost Mages are a safety net.
If players expect to be questing alone, a Frost Mage may offer some peace of mind to wary travelers.
As a Frost Mage, the first 30 levels will be very slow in terms of killing speed.
Frostbolt just doesn't cut the same as Fireblast, and players might spend a good bit of time running away from bad situations.
After level 30, Mages will receive Icy Veins and Cold Snap, which will make leveling a little bit more relaxing as well as a little quicker.
Frost Mages, unfortunately, can not reach the same damage output as Fire Mages.
The Mage class, while widely respected in PvP realms, has a pretty solid reputation as being a glass cannon.
This doesn't have to be the case, however, as Mages can actually be a pretty good solo class if a player takes the time to learn a few simple techniques.
Mages can teleport between continents, create their own water and food, and blink to both escape danger and cut down on running time.
All of these abilities can be very useful both inside and outside of PvE combat.
The most difficult part about starting a new Mage is how to distribute talents points.
There are three main builds: Arcane, Fire, and Frost.
Many solo Mages prefer a Frost build while others prefer a much more dangerous (but higher DPS) Fire build.
While the Frost build is more mana efficient and generally safer, the best combination in terms of killing speed is a hybrid between the Fire/Arcane talent trees.
By going this talent tree route, players will be able to deal both massive daMage and take down enemies a lot quicker than their Frost specialization counterparts.
Leveling a Fire Mage Playing a Mage is all about preventing HP loss before it ever happens.
The general starting routine for a Fire Mage is a Pyroblast (or Fireball), a second Fireball, and then finishing up with a Fire Blast.
By this time, the target is usually dead, but Frost Nova can give Mages a moment to step back and pop off another combo if it's still moving.
In later levels, Dragon Breath and Blast Wave become a destructive combo that can finish even the most vicious monsters.
Fire Mages are all about raw power, and so a mage's DPS will be nothing to be shy about.
Unfortunately, this just means that they have to be extra careful during raids.
After all, just because a player can spank it doesn't mean they can tank it.
Fire Mages can be an amazing asset to a raid team as long as they are able to cooperate properly with their teammates.
A lot of players are probably questioning why the ability "Scorch" was not mentioned, and that is because players can't learn Scorch until receiving Hot Streak.
Blazing Speed, Molten Shields, and Fiery Payback are all unnecessary for the purpose of leveling.
It's much better to focus on better killing speed in a PvE environment and respect to a PvP build later.
Impact is a very nice ability for Mages to have, however, because often mobs will be stunned before they can actually reach a Mage.
There is almost a fifty percent chance that a mob will get stunned before he reaches a player as four or so Fire spells are cast before it can draw close.
Leveling an Arcane/Fire Mage This seems to be the most efficient build in terms of leveling speed and mana regeneration.
With this build, nearly 60% of regeneration will continue while a Mage is casting.
This is also a strong critical hit build, which will allow about 30% of a spell's cost to be refunded after casting.
Mages really benefit from the extra 15% intellect and 10% spirit that the Arcane talent tree provides.
As a bonus for mana regeneration, about 10% of the spells cast will be completely free of any cost.
Although a Mage will receive more AoE spells using this build, Fireballs and Pyroblasts are still the choice spam spells during combat.
The upside to this will be seen during aggro attacks (it could be reckoned that Mages have a +30% aggro racial ability built in).
With the boost given to Arcane Explosion from choosing this talent tree, Mages will be able to fend off an aggro horde without being in constant danger of death.
Arcane Power and Presence of Mind will also be two lifesaving abilities that can give off high burst damage in tight spots.
Leveling a Frost/Safety Mage Frost Mages are a safety net.
If players expect to be questing alone, a Frost Mage may offer some peace of mind to wary travelers.
As a Frost Mage, the first 30 levels will be very slow in terms of killing speed.
Frostbolt just doesn't cut the same as Fireblast, and players might spend a good bit of time running away from bad situations.
After level 30, Mages will receive Icy Veins and Cold Snap, which will make leveling a little bit more relaxing as well as a little quicker.
Frost Mages, unfortunately, can not reach the same damage output as Fire Mages.