How to Encode PHP in an Email Address
- 1). Open the PHP file that handles sending out emails to users using a text editor or web-authoring tool.
- 2). Type in a new function that will encode the email.
Function emailEncode($email_address) {
if(filter_var($email_address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== FALSE)
$char_Array = str_split($email_address);
$encoded_Array = filter_var($char_Array, FILTER_CALLBACK, array('options'=>""));
$encoded_String = implode('',$encoded_Array);
return '<a href="/links/?u=mailto:'.$encoded_String.'">'.$encoded_String.'</a>';
return false;
}" - 3). Type in the PHP code that calls on the "emailEncode" function you created. Place this anywhere in the code after the code that gathers the email address from the user.
"echo emailEncode($email_address);"
Close up the PHP coding by placing "?>" at the end of the document. Closing the PHP code lets the server know that its job is done and there is no more PHP code to run. - 4). Save the PHP file and upload it to your web server.