What Are the Differences Between a Male and Female Facelift?
Although facelifts are similar between women and men, both genders require different subtleties to get the best results.
Men have sideburns, facial hair, and a beard.
Women, in general, do not have long sideburns.
During a male facelift, there is usually a compromise as to how high a Plastic Surgeon can tighten the skin.
It is important to discuss with your Plastic Surgeon where you want to sear your sideburns.
Your Plastic Surgeon should also evaluate how much facial hair you have.
Male patients who undergo a typical facelift may have their sideburn go away or pulled too much to the side, which makes their sideburn less wide.
This is an obvious sign of a facelift.
They key is to avoid this with careful planning before surgery.
For men, re-growth of facial hair in front of the incision is critical.
The angle of the incision makes sure that as much hair as possible can grow in front of the incision.
Normally, most men do not have as long hair as women to cover the sideburn areas.
A male facelift will take a little longer, typically 30-60 minutes more.
Men have a physically bigger head along with more skin surface area, which is why it takes a little longer to complete.
Men usually have some element of balding, especially in the temporal and forehead areas.
A forehead lift may need to be done with a smaller incision or by the endoscopic approach, to avoid a longer, more visible scar in the front hairline area.
Men may bleed more after facelift surgery, so it is important to monitor high blood pressure during and after your surgery to avoid excessive bleeding.
Because men have facial hair, the hair follicles have blood vessels that nourish them.
These extra blood vessels may be the cause of potentially increased bleeding after surgery.
Men have thicker skin than women, so the draping of the skin during surgery and the healing after surgery is different compared to women.
Men typically want to heal faster and get back to work faster than women.
I may have to do fewer procedures, but spread them out over time to get the same results.
Men have sideburns, facial hair, and a beard.
Women, in general, do not have long sideburns.
During a male facelift, there is usually a compromise as to how high a Plastic Surgeon can tighten the skin.
It is important to discuss with your Plastic Surgeon where you want to sear your sideburns.
Your Plastic Surgeon should also evaluate how much facial hair you have.
Male patients who undergo a typical facelift may have their sideburn go away or pulled too much to the side, which makes their sideburn less wide.
This is an obvious sign of a facelift.
They key is to avoid this with careful planning before surgery.
For men, re-growth of facial hair in front of the incision is critical.
The angle of the incision makes sure that as much hair as possible can grow in front of the incision.
Normally, most men do not have as long hair as women to cover the sideburn areas.
A male facelift will take a little longer, typically 30-60 minutes more.
Men have a physically bigger head along with more skin surface area, which is why it takes a little longer to complete.
Men usually have some element of balding, especially in the temporal and forehead areas.
A forehead lift may need to be done with a smaller incision or by the endoscopic approach, to avoid a longer, more visible scar in the front hairline area.
Men may bleed more after facelift surgery, so it is important to monitor high blood pressure during and after your surgery to avoid excessive bleeding.
Because men have facial hair, the hair follicles have blood vessels that nourish them.
These extra blood vessels may be the cause of potentially increased bleeding after surgery.
Men have thicker skin than women, so the draping of the skin during surgery and the healing after surgery is different compared to women.
Men typically want to heal faster and get back to work faster than women.
I may have to do fewer procedures, but spread them out over time to get the same results.