Quantum Glycomics Theory of Relativity on Diabetes
Quantum Glycobiology aka Quantum Glycomics or QG works "out of the blue" without our knowing why or how.
Einstein called quantum physics "Spooky action at a distance".
This lesson connects some of the dots of QG for diabetes.
After I studied Einstein's Theory of Relativity years ago, I had the audacity to write a response, The Theory of Irrelativity.
Professional reviews of my QG Theory of Relativity are welcome.
In Quantum Glycobiology, we will use influences that traditional science discard as irrelevant.
The tapestry of quantum fabric folded into the targeted sugar particles dramatically alters function and efficacy.
Optimal efficacy manifests when all relative factors are in sync.
A Houston MD relayed to me an experience with a patient following a physical exam.
Soon after, he conducted a second exam and said, "You responded quickly.
How long have you been taking those?" "I haven't started yet.
They are in my pocket.
" He then pulled the pill bottle out of his pocket and placed it on the table.
A subsequent test indicated that he again needed the pills.
Now, that appears as spooky action up close unless you understand what just happened.
The complexities of Quantum Glycobiology are hopelessly entangled.
But, QG can be understood.
To understand the whole, we need to better understand each factor of the entanglement.
When we put the entanglement back together, we can better evaluate their combined effects.
How can this benefit diabetes? To keep this lesson more simple but with dramatic results, let's use a single sugar molecule.
The trehalose molecule will be more fun than just glucose and you will soon see why.
We will analyze unseen factors already present.
We will add nothing to the molecule except more blue light.
The more influencing factors we accurately evaluate, the better we can predict the possibilities.
Concerning diabetes, we are only going to evaluate a couple of pivotal factors.
Consider that either one of these factors can be a tipping point but together the possibilities multiply.
There are thousands of unseen variable influences, far and near, playing unseen roles.
The eigenvectors and eigenvalues take into consideration combined functions, stability analysis, rotation, and oscillations of vibrating systems.
Let us glance at a few possible influences.
Improved function will be determined by the quality, strengths, and precise characteristics of the immediate and distant environments of magnetics, radiations, spin, gravity of near by and distant particles and their atomic makeup including atomic number, atomic weight, molar volume, valence electrons, electron affinity, isotopes stability, ionization energies, electron configuration, electronegativity, vapor pressure, density, specific heat, heat of fusion, covalent radius, angstroms or atomic radius, ionic radius, electron capture, isomeric transition, alpha decay, beta-minus decay, temperature, microwave, energy absorption, energy reflection, light absorption, and light reflection to mention a few.
Now, let us look at only two of these influence factors and shine a light on how they may help diabetics.
First: Studies show that trehalose has helped decrease triglyceride levels and altered gene expression of the insulin-like receptor gene daf-2.
The glucose uptake is slowed because of the bond holding the two glucose molecules together and the angle of that bond is significant in altering gene expression to influence certain neuro-degenerative challenges.
Second: For this experiment we will fold into the sugar molecule a blue light.
Sounds totally ridiculous, but wait.
Blue light is already present but not bright nor blue enough.
Let us narrow the band spectrum and concentrate on a specific band of blue.
Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich have manipulated genes in diabetic mice with bursts of blue light.
The blue light turns on the GLP-1 gene, which tells the pancreas to make more insulin.
When the protein melanopsin (a light sensitive pigment in ganglion cells) is exposed to blue light, it triggers the production of calcium which activates the NFAT gene, which can turn on other genes.
Quantum Glycobiology has endless possibilities because each influencing factor may have an optimal frequency or energy or unknown force that just may be the tipping point to bring in the cure for diabetes or whatever ails the human body.
Combine the tipping points and we may have a quantum leap in healthcare.
Einstein called quantum physics "Spooky action at a distance".
This lesson connects some of the dots of QG for diabetes.
After I studied Einstein's Theory of Relativity years ago, I had the audacity to write a response, The Theory of Irrelativity.
Professional reviews of my QG Theory of Relativity are welcome.
In Quantum Glycobiology, we will use influences that traditional science discard as irrelevant.
The tapestry of quantum fabric folded into the targeted sugar particles dramatically alters function and efficacy.
Optimal efficacy manifests when all relative factors are in sync.
A Houston MD relayed to me an experience with a patient following a physical exam.
Soon after, he conducted a second exam and said, "You responded quickly.
How long have you been taking those?" "I haven't started yet.
They are in my pocket.
" He then pulled the pill bottle out of his pocket and placed it on the table.
A subsequent test indicated that he again needed the pills.
Now, that appears as spooky action up close unless you understand what just happened.
The complexities of Quantum Glycobiology are hopelessly entangled.
But, QG can be understood.
To understand the whole, we need to better understand each factor of the entanglement.
When we put the entanglement back together, we can better evaluate their combined effects.
How can this benefit diabetes? To keep this lesson more simple but with dramatic results, let's use a single sugar molecule.
The trehalose molecule will be more fun than just glucose and you will soon see why.
We will analyze unseen factors already present.
We will add nothing to the molecule except more blue light.
The more influencing factors we accurately evaluate, the better we can predict the possibilities.
Concerning diabetes, we are only going to evaluate a couple of pivotal factors.
Consider that either one of these factors can be a tipping point but together the possibilities multiply.
There are thousands of unseen variable influences, far and near, playing unseen roles.
The eigenvectors and eigenvalues take into consideration combined functions, stability analysis, rotation, and oscillations of vibrating systems.
Let us glance at a few possible influences.
Improved function will be determined by the quality, strengths, and precise characteristics of the immediate and distant environments of magnetics, radiations, spin, gravity of near by and distant particles and their atomic makeup including atomic number, atomic weight, molar volume, valence electrons, electron affinity, isotopes stability, ionization energies, electron configuration, electronegativity, vapor pressure, density, specific heat, heat of fusion, covalent radius, angstroms or atomic radius, ionic radius, electron capture, isomeric transition, alpha decay, beta-minus decay, temperature, microwave, energy absorption, energy reflection, light absorption, and light reflection to mention a few.
Now, let us look at only two of these influence factors and shine a light on how they may help diabetics.
First: Studies show that trehalose has helped decrease triglyceride levels and altered gene expression of the insulin-like receptor gene daf-2.
The glucose uptake is slowed because of the bond holding the two glucose molecules together and the angle of that bond is significant in altering gene expression to influence certain neuro-degenerative challenges.
Second: For this experiment we will fold into the sugar molecule a blue light.
Sounds totally ridiculous, but wait.
Blue light is already present but not bright nor blue enough.
Let us narrow the band spectrum and concentrate on a specific band of blue.
Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich have manipulated genes in diabetic mice with bursts of blue light.
The blue light turns on the GLP-1 gene, which tells the pancreas to make more insulin.
When the protein melanopsin (a light sensitive pigment in ganglion cells) is exposed to blue light, it triggers the production of calcium which activates the NFAT gene, which can turn on other genes.
Quantum Glycobiology has endless possibilities because each influencing factor may have an optimal frequency or energy or unknown force that just may be the tipping point to bring in the cure for diabetes or whatever ails the human body.
Combine the tipping points and we may have a quantum leap in healthcare.