Allergies News Page
Allergies News Page
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Tools & Resources
- Think You Have a Food Allergy?
- Essential Items for Allergy Relief
- Pets and Allergies
- Allergies: Myths vs. Facts
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- Allergies in the Workplace
NewsRelated to Allergies
- Spring Allergies Strike Early This Year
Feb. 17, 2012 -- Got a stuffy nose, sore throat, watery eyes, or throbbing head? In February, those symptoms are usually caused by a cold or the flu, but this year, the culprit could be allergies. Thanks to a mild winter, spring allergy season got started nearly a month early in many parts of the U.
Read Full Article - Antibiotics Do Not Reduce Symptoms of Sinus Infection
Feb. 14, 2012 -- Patients may want to pause before asking for antibiotics to treat a sinus infection. A new study involving more than 150 patients ages 18 to 70 suggests that the antibiotic amoxicillin may be no better than a placebo in improving symptoms for those with sinusitis -- a common inflamm
Read Full Article - Are Vacuum Cleaners Bad for Your Health?
Jan 6, 2012 -- You vacuum your house religiously to get rid of all the dust, dirt, and bacteria and make sure your indoor air is up to snuff. But new research suggests that some vacuum cleaners may actually be making things worse, not better. Certain vacuum cleaners spit fine dust and bacteria back
Read Full Article - Pork-Cat Syndrome an Under-Recognized Allergy
Nov. 7, 2011 -- Some people with cat allergies may also be allergic to pork and other meats because of a rare type of cross-reactive allergy known as pork-cat syndrome. A new study describes the first six cases of pork-cat syndrome documented in the U.S. The syndrome has been established in Europe s
Read Full Article - Carbon Dioxide Gas May Treat Nasal Allergies
Sept. 15, 2011 -- Shooting a quick blast of carbon dioxide gas into the nose may ease some allergy symptoms, and the relief appears to last for about four hours. When carbon dioxide (CO2) is blown through the sinuses in a kind of pressurized gas rinse, it may relieve symptoms like itchy, watery eyes
Read Full Article - African-American Kids May Have More Food Allergies
Sept. 6, 2011 -- African-American children in the U.S. have a higher rate of food allergies than children of other races, and new research suggests that genetic and environmental factors may explain why. Researchers found self-reported black race to be associated with a higher risk for all food alle
Read Full Article - Study Questions Claims About Hypoallergenic Dogs
July 12, 2011 -- If you are thinking about adopting a dog and someone in your household suffers from pet allergies, you may have been told that certain breeds, including the Portuguese water dog made famous when it was adopted by the Obamas, are less likely to cause symptoms. But this may be just a
Read Full Article - Skin Allergies May Protect Against Cancer
July 12, 2011 -- There may be an upside to contact skin allergies. New research suggests that people who develop itchy rashes when their skin comes into contact with certain metals or chemicals have a lower risk for certain cancers. Investigators say the findings support the idea that allergies may
Read Full Article - Pets May Reduce Children's Allergy Risk
June 13, 2011 -- Having a dog or cat at home during the first year of life may help prevent pet allergies later on. Researchers say parents often worry whether having animals in the home will increase the risk of their children developing pet allergies. But a new study suggests that’s not the case.
Read Full Article - Allergy Self-Diagnosis Leads to Misdiagnosis
May 18, 2011 -- Many people misdiagnose themselves as having allergies when they actually have sinusitis, a survey shows, and skip a visit to the doctor. The survey was conducted by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). The AAFA says that when people confuse sinusitis symptoms with si
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