Most Prominent Island Connection:
On the freighter
Other Known Connections:
Episode Appearances:
On the freighter
Other Known Connections:
Episode Appearances:
- Episode 4x5, The Constant
Omar helps Keamy take Desmond to sick bay. Keamy says that Omar is from Florida. - Episode 4x11, Cabin Fever
Omar straps some contraption to Keamy's arm.
Later, the captain relieves him of his duties of watching Sayid and Desmond and as Omar walks away, he picks up Morse code on his sat phone that asks what happened to the doctor.
Omar goes with Keamy to the island.
- Episode 4x12, There's No Place Like Home Part 1
Omar waits for Ben at the Orchid with Keamy. - Episode 4x13, There's No Place Like Home Part 2
A fight breaks out between Keamy's men and Ben's men. Omar is killed when Keamy kicks a grenade away from himself and right to Omar. - Episode 6x6, Sundown
In the flash-sideways, Omar shows up in a black SUV and takes Sayid to a restaurant kitchen. Keamy is there, wanting the money that Omar owes. Sayid uses Omar as a shield and the other man shoots Omar while trying to shoot Sayid. - Episode 6x10, The Package
Omar knocks on Sun's hotel room and Keamy lets him in. Omar says that Jin is not in his room and Keamy tells him to check the bathroom of Sun's room, where he finds Jin.
At the restaurant, Omar accidentally smashes Jin's head into the door as he's putting him in the meat locker. Keamy tells him to be more careful. Keamy tells him to get the Arab guy. Omar points out that he is also Arab, and Keamy says to just go get him.