Social Media Marketing - 4 Power Tools to Boost Your Social Media Success
Social media is catching on very fast on the web and loads of people are beginning to see the marketing power contained in these social sites.
Sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Delicious etc are getting tons of traffic daily.
Majority of this people are into business but still fails to make the most out of this sites as promotional tools.
I have many techniques I use to promote products and gets lots of free traffic daily to my sites, but here are the 4 major areas I consider very important to your success online with social media.
The 4 Social Media tips for success 1.
Be someone people can trust.
This is not common today, most people are not trustworthy and so if you present your self as one it will go along way to build your credibility.
Be a friend; remove all form of dishonesty from you.
Spread friendship to variety of people even to those below you.
Be nice and generous.
Connect with those you are following.
Use personal names to sign up.
Using dummy names and wield names don't really come across well to many business people.
Don't be seen as anonymous.
I will show you more of this as you read on.
Have a Plan and a Goal; Be strategic in your tweets and those groups you follow.
Don't just sign up for any group.
Know hat you are following as it will help you develop fast.
Don't just follow people for selfish reason; always ask yourself what your goals are in participating, It will help your focus and friendliness on the community.
You can make a lot out of social sites if you do it right.
Ask great questions Feel free to ask question as this will lead to the answers as you should be willing to learn.
Ask open ended questions which are specific and will involve deep and intelligent discussion and answers.
Don't ask mindless questions.
When given a referral follow it right away.
It's a new opportunity, don't blow it away.
Don't kill the interest of the referral treat the action with proper decorum and respect.
Acting fast will help a lot.
These four categories are very major in social media success.
Sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Delicious etc are getting tons of traffic daily.
Majority of this people are into business but still fails to make the most out of this sites as promotional tools.
I have many techniques I use to promote products and gets lots of free traffic daily to my sites, but here are the 4 major areas I consider very important to your success online with social media.
The 4 Social Media tips for success 1.
Be someone people can trust.
This is not common today, most people are not trustworthy and so if you present your self as one it will go along way to build your credibility.
Be a friend; remove all form of dishonesty from you.
Spread friendship to variety of people even to those below you.
Be nice and generous.
Connect with those you are following.
Use personal names to sign up.
Using dummy names and wield names don't really come across well to many business people.
Don't be seen as anonymous.
I will show you more of this as you read on.
Have a Plan and a Goal; Be strategic in your tweets and those groups you follow.
Don't just sign up for any group.
Know hat you are following as it will help you develop fast.
Don't just follow people for selfish reason; always ask yourself what your goals are in participating, It will help your focus and friendliness on the community.
You can make a lot out of social sites if you do it right.
Ask great questions Feel free to ask question as this will lead to the answers as you should be willing to learn.
Ask open ended questions which are specific and will involve deep and intelligent discussion and answers.
Don't ask mindless questions.
When given a referral follow it right away.
It's a new opportunity, don't blow it away.
Don't kill the interest of the referral treat the action with proper decorum and respect.
Acting fast will help a lot.
These four categories are very major in social media success.