All Natural Cancer Therapy
- Flood your cells with living fresh juices every day to give your body the nutrition it needs to overcome the battle with cancer. Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables is the foundation of Gerson Therapy, which was founded by Max Gerson in 1928 when he cured his first cancer patient of bile-duct cancer. Gerson believed that drinking freshly made juice each day flushes the body of toxins and gives the body materials to rebuild itself. The Gerson diet consists of drinking 13 glasses of freshly juiced apples, green leaf vegetables and carrots each day at the rate of one glass per hour. In addition three meals and unlimited snacks are allowed as long as they are all vegetarian. Food is to be fresh and organically grown. Gerson also promoted the frequent use of coffee enemas and taking supplements such as pancreatic enzymes, potassium, Vitamin B-12, Lugol's solution, thyroid hormones and liver extracts.
- Heal your cancer with flax oil. Dr. Johanna Budwig is considered to have been one of the leading authorities in the field of fats and how they are utilized by the body. She spent her professional career studying the relationship between fats in the diet and human disease. She created a diet known as the Budwig Protocol, which she used to treat cancer patients in Germany for many years until her death in 2003. Her protocol involved the use of flax oil combined with protein, or the oil-protein diet. She advocated combining 2 tablespoons of flax oil with 1/4 cup cottage cheese and eating it each morning. In addition, she advised her patients to consume freshly ground flaxseed and juices prepared daily. The protocol includes eating a mostly vegetarian diet. Occasional fish is allowed, as is getting plenty of sunshine.
- Drink herbal tea to combat cancer. Essiac tea was formulated in the 1920s by Rene Caisse, who used it to treat cancer patients. Her tea consisted of four herbs which included sheep sorrel, the primary cancer fighting ingredient. She gathered the herbs, made the tea and delivered it to her patients. Today there are various recipes for the tea. Some contain eight herbs but to be considered Essiac tea, sheep sorrel must be present. The quality and freshness of the herbs used must be taken into consideration to replicate Caisse's results since she used fresh herbs. Essiac tea preparations can be purchased at health food stores in dried herb form or already prepared into a liquid tea.
Gerson Therapy
Budwig Protocol
Essiac Tea