Digital Cameras - The Future of Digital Photography
The results of today's digital cameras are about as good and sometimes better than as the results you get with film cameras.
You can record super slow-motion video, recording at between 300 and an unbelievable 1,200 frames per second.
Dynamic range is one of quite rapid in development, some of a new technologies using this technology imaging aim to extend the dynamic range of digital imaging technologies way beyond traditional media.
Basic concepts of dynamic range is the imaging refers to the measured ratio between high and low extremes in a set of intensity values.
The word "contrast" is often used interchangeably.
Each stage (capture, storage and output) plays a crucial role in the quality of the results, greater dynamic range will produce more realistic results.
When the dynamic range of the source scene is too great for any one stage of the process, something must be sacrificed you must either give up detail in the shadows or the highlights.
Photographers have to know and work within the limitations of their camera, storage and output devices.
Because the imaging industry will inevitably transition to high dynamic range (HDR) imaging, this change will affect all aspects of image making.
Each of the systems in the image work flow will be modified, including capture, storage, editing and output.
As the result, you will no longer concerned about over-brightness of looking directly at the sun.
It wasn't blinding.
Images simply looks better when they look more real.