Reasons Why A Website Design Is Indispensable For An SEO Process
With each website endeavouring to seize the interest of the visitors in its initial admission into the scene, thus, no one has ever attempted to take the chance of leaping into the game without doing any groundwork.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important element in creating a dominant web presence and securing top search engine rankings. Thus, the website and its functionality also plays a vital role in increasing visibility, thus, as a web developer it's imperative that you develop a website that is SEO friendly.
Web design elements that affect SEO process-
Simplicity is the ideal strategy
An SEO expert usually begins implementing the on-site SEO plan after the website has been developed and designed. Thus, it is essential that every possible step is taken to make the task of the SEO professional easier; this can be achieved if the website's functionality is not very difficult.
Evade The Use Of JavaScript or Flash in Navigation
It's at all times worthwhile to use a drop down navigation code utilizing CSS and staying away from the use of Flash or JavaScript. Note that CSS is more SEO friendly when compared to Flash or JavaScript while creating website navigation menus as it assists in SEO. CSS drop down menus are considered by the Google search engine spiders as standing links which implies they can be crawled effortlessly, as a result it has a constructive effect on the rankings of the website.
Say Complete No To Flash
It's not merely about the navigation of the site, but as a designer you should avoid using Flash in general, if its use is not extremely necessary in the website. The reason being Flash is as an element in the website has the likelihood of obliterating the cautiously worked out SEO plan. The search engine bots will not be capable of crawling Flash animation. Thus, the more you utilize Flash, the more the website suffers because of it. Thus, avoid the use of Flash as much as possible.
Avoid The Use Of Frames
Just as search engine spiders dislike Flash, they also do not like the use of frames on a site. The content that is being placed in the frames cannot be indexed by search engines; therefore there is no logic in using the frames in the website design in the first place.
But, there are occasions, when the entire design of the website makes it obligatory to utilize frames. In such situations, the 'No Frames' tag can be used to dull the downbeat effect of Framing. By using this tag, at least a few part of the content contained in the frame will get indexed.
Experienced SEO experts say that anything related to SEO is ever enough, thus effective web design is a must for successful SEO.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an important element in creating a dominant web presence and securing top search engine rankings. Thus, the website and its functionality also plays a vital role in increasing visibility, thus, as a web developer it's imperative that you develop a website that is SEO friendly.
Web design elements that affect SEO process-
Simplicity is the ideal strategy
An SEO expert usually begins implementing the on-site SEO plan after the website has been developed and designed. Thus, it is essential that every possible step is taken to make the task of the SEO professional easier; this can be achieved if the website's functionality is not very difficult.
Evade The Use Of JavaScript or Flash in Navigation
It's at all times worthwhile to use a drop down navigation code utilizing CSS and staying away from the use of Flash or JavaScript. Note that CSS is more SEO friendly when compared to Flash or JavaScript while creating website navigation menus as it assists in SEO. CSS drop down menus are considered by the Google search engine spiders as standing links which implies they can be crawled effortlessly, as a result it has a constructive effect on the rankings of the website.
Say Complete No To Flash
It's not merely about the navigation of the site, but as a designer you should avoid using Flash in general, if its use is not extremely necessary in the website. The reason being Flash is as an element in the website has the likelihood of obliterating the cautiously worked out SEO plan. The search engine bots will not be capable of crawling Flash animation. Thus, the more you utilize Flash, the more the website suffers because of it. Thus, avoid the use of Flash as much as possible.
Avoid The Use Of Frames
Just as search engine spiders dislike Flash, they also do not like the use of frames on a site. The content that is being placed in the frames cannot be indexed by search engines; therefore there is no logic in using the frames in the website design in the first place.
But, there are occasions, when the entire design of the website makes it obligatory to utilize frames. In such situations, the 'No Frames' tag can be used to dull the downbeat effect of Framing. By using this tag, at least a few part of the content contained in the frame will get indexed.
Experienced SEO experts say that anything related to SEO is ever enough, thus effective web design is a must for successful SEO.