Profitable Content Marketing - What To Do When You Run Out of Ideas for Content (Works Every Time)
And you do want to build your business with online visibility, traffic generation, building your list community and profiting with your expertise, right? The Problem The problem for most online entrepreneurs is that they eventually run out of good ideas for their content.
Sound familiar? The danger here is to get caught in the trap of then regurgitating the same old stuff over and over ("3 More Ways to Get 6 Pack Abs" for example).
The Solutions The great news is there is not just one solution to this problem, there are many solutions that will help you never run out of great and profitable content ideas.
Here's three: 3 Great Content Ideas 1) Keep a list of content ideas - Keep an ongoing list of content ideas.
Key word here is ongoing.
Keeping the list is important.
It's so easy to come up with a great idea and tell yourself you'll remember it later.
And then you don't...
You can use your smart phone.
You can keep a small notebook with you.
Grab a napkin.
Write it on your arm.
I remember years ago calling my own voice mail to record an idea.
Then it felt kind of strange when I checked my messages and had forgotten I had left myself a message.
It doesn't really matter how you do it.
What does matter is that you do it.
Save your ideas.
And keep adding to the list.
2) Learn from magazine titles - Magazines spend thousands of dollars researching the titles that will get readers to buy their magazines.
So the next time you are standing in line at the grocery store, pay attention to the kind of titles that keep showing up.
This is a great way to get really good content ideas.
Simply apply the structure of the title to a topic in your own niche.
Sometimes I buy the magazine.
Sometimes I pull out my phone and snap a picture of the cover.
3) Get ideas from content directories - Check out the most read articles in your niche in various content directories.
Now, DO NOT misunderstand me here.
I am not saying to copy their content.
That's called plagiarism.
What I AM suggesting is that you do the research to find out what your prospects are reading online.
Then simply do a better job with the topic.
That's called smart, strategic research for your content