Hindus and Sikhs Thailand
The approximately20,000 Indians residing in Thailand are almost equally divided between Hindus and Sikhs. Most of the Hindu community is concentrated in Bangkok where it worships at four main Hindu temples. There are also several Brahman shrines at which Hindus and Buddhists alike worship. The Hindus manage their own school whose curriculum is based on the Thai education system, though, in addition to Thai, it teaches Hindi, Sanskrit and English.
The Sikhs, too, are concentrated mainly in Bangkok. Divided into two sects, they worship at two different temples. Collectively, the Sikhs run a free school for poor children, regardless of caste, creed or religion, and through several charitable associations, support the aged and the sick.
Richly diverse in origin, the Thai language in use today is the end-result of a centuries-long maturation.
Early Thai settlers in the late Dvaravati period gradually enlarged their own Chinese-influenced, tonal, monosyllabic language by borrowing and adapting certain Mon and Khmer words. Later, the Thais absorbed polysyllabic Sanskrit (the classical language of Hindu India) and Pali words as Brahmanism and Theravada Buddhism asserted their shaping influences. Foreign traders and Chinese immigrants made minor additions in later centuries. Today, standard Thai is spoken nationwide with regional dialects differing widely from north to south and east to west.
King Ramkamhaeng of Sukhothai created the first That alphabet in 1283, basing it on Mon and Khmer scripts which, in turn, were derived from a South Indian script. With minor modifications - particularly individual character evolution into more refined shapes - Ramkamhaeng's alphabet survived intact through the centuries so that the 'modem Thai can read 13th century inscriptions as easily as could his ancestors.
Importantly, Ramkamhaeng's achievement afforded the Thais a vital sense of unity and lent impetus to a distinctive Thai cultural identity. Indeed, several major literary works, mainly Buddhist in character, were written during the following century.
The spoken Thai language lends itself to alliteration. Similar sounding words create pleasing rhythmic patterns and form a poetic language which is commonly used in everyday conversation. Indeed, poetry is a major Thai art, and until 1850 all Thai literary works were in verse form. Spoken and written similes are especially popular and parables are commonly employed, particularly for training children.
A gregarious race that loves to joke and laugh, the Thais greatly appreciate puns and double-entendres which, besides enlivening everyday vernacular, spice and propel outrageous dialogue in popular art forms such as folk theatre.
The written Thai language, read horizontally from left to right, as in English, consists of 44 consonants and 32 vowels that combine to formulate syllabic sounds. The sounds are combined with five different tones-even, high, low, rising and falling- to produce a melodious, lyrical language.
Generally speaking, spoken grammar is simple. The basic structure of Thai sentences is subject/verb/object with adjectives following nouns. In many cases, verbs can be changed into nouns with the use of a prefix, e.g. khit (think) with the prefix kwam becomes kwam khit (thought).