Averting Waste Crisis with Refuse Derived Fuel Process
The current value of materials and commodities has increased due to the scarcity of our natural resources. Energy prices are on an all time high, while coal and fossil fuel plants heightens the causes of climate change. Space for landfill sites is scarce while the amount of trash increases. The green industry proposes the solution that we all know as refuse derived fuel process (RDF process). But, what could this do for these growing issues of ours? Is it another source of pollution causing climate change?
A refuse derived fuel process (RDF process) is a unique technique applied for waste to energy conversion. Material recovery facilities use this technique wherein waste is the feedstock for the conversion. This process utilizes thermal combustion and controlled amounts of oxygen to create a green fuel source that could replace fossil fuel and coal to run electric generators. Waste that is usually found in sanitary landfill possessing high calorific qualities are used and fed into the thermal combustion chamber. During this stage, the chemical composition of waste is altered and changed to achieve liquid form.
When treating waste with the refuse derived fuel process (RDF process), the amount of emissions are reduced therefore achieving a carbon neutral state. The process seals in hazardous gases and utilizes it during the process of turning waste into fuel. Eco-fuel that is derived from this method produces a renewable type of energy. Waste found in sanitary landfills are continuously segregated and processed for waste to energy conversion. It significantly minimizes a huge amount of waste that we deploy from sanitary landfill eliminating the demands for space. The electricity that is produces from the RDF process is cost efficient than those from fossil fuel and coal.