5 Actionable Tips To Getting Your Ex Back
Whether you are the one who ended the relationship or the so-called "injured party", most people often think about getting their ex back. Majority of us had terrible experiences in the world of singles and immediately concluded that our ex is absolutely wonderful and fantastic and we should get them back.
Those who are dumped would have regained their confidence and want to prove their ex that it is a mistake to end the relationship.
However, before you get all geared up to get your ex in your life again, you must make sure that you are aware of the outcome, and that the outcome is what you are after. Getting your ex back is not an easy task and you will need to spend huge amount of time and energy to achieve it. If at the end of the day you are only doing it for the sake of revenge, you are wasting not just your time but everyone else's. If you have just been dumped, it is better for you to give yourself a period to cool down.
You don't want to immediately take action to get your ex back as it could be done for the sake of solely revenge, which will make you regret later. Give yourself some time and you might forget your ex and start investing your energy into a new person.
However, for those who are determined to get their ex back and strongly believe that their ex is "the right person in life", we provide some helpful tips to help get your ex back.
1. Don't ever appear to be needy. If you appear to be desperate, your ex loses interest in you. One who is desperate is never attractive, so the best thing you can do is to live a happy life. Even if you are not happy, at least appear to be happy. Live your life to its fullest and don't bother to make contact with your ex. You must be seen to be happy even though they are around. Your ex will know about how good your life is through mutual friends.
2. Of course, don't ever stalk your ex. Remember our rule on "no desperation"? This works based on the same principle as above. Remember, you want your ex to come back to you out of love, not to come back to you to report you to the police for being a stalker. It is pathetic.
3. Always make sure that you look your best. You don't have to look like Lenka or Megan Fox. All you need to do is to remember what your ex likes about you - your hairstyle, dress, makeup. Is he absolutely in love with your pink lip gloss? If he is, use it more often. Remembering trivial matters that used to drive him crazy and use all these small little details to your advantage.
4. Avoid dating some other guy just to make your ex jealous. This is immature. You are breaking someone else's heart and if your ex found out about it, uh-oh - you're in trouble. He's going to look down on you. Trying to get your ex back does not give you a valid reason to do something so juvenile.
5. Be direct to avoid miscommunication. Sometimes you need to tell your ex about how you feel about them. You might lose a bit of pride, but you are not losing anything else. Try it, and the result might amaze you.
You need to do everything you can if you genuinely want to get your ex back. Good luck!
Those who are dumped would have regained their confidence and want to prove their ex that it is a mistake to end the relationship.
However, before you get all geared up to get your ex in your life again, you must make sure that you are aware of the outcome, and that the outcome is what you are after. Getting your ex back is not an easy task and you will need to spend huge amount of time and energy to achieve it. If at the end of the day you are only doing it for the sake of revenge, you are wasting not just your time but everyone else's. If you have just been dumped, it is better for you to give yourself a period to cool down.
You don't want to immediately take action to get your ex back as it could be done for the sake of solely revenge, which will make you regret later. Give yourself some time and you might forget your ex and start investing your energy into a new person.
However, for those who are determined to get their ex back and strongly believe that their ex is "the right person in life", we provide some helpful tips to help get your ex back.
1. Don't ever appear to be needy. If you appear to be desperate, your ex loses interest in you. One who is desperate is never attractive, so the best thing you can do is to live a happy life. Even if you are not happy, at least appear to be happy. Live your life to its fullest and don't bother to make contact with your ex. You must be seen to be happy even though they are around. Your ex will know about how good your life is through mutual friends.
2. Of course, don't ever stalk your ex. Remember our rule on "no desperation"? This works based on the same principle as above. Remember, you want your ex to come back to you out of love, not to come back to you to report you to the police for being a stalker. It is pathetic.
3. Always make sure that you look your best. You don't have to look like Lenka or Megan Fox. All you need to do is to remember what your ex likes about you - your hairstyle, dress, makeup. Is he absolutely in love with your pink lip gloss? If he is, use it more often. Remembering trivial matters that used to drive him crazy and use all these small little details to your advantage.
4. Avoid dating some other guy just to make your ex jealous. This is immature. You are breaking someone else's heart and if your ex found out about it, uh-oh - you're in trouble. He's going to look down on you. Trying to get your ex back does not give you a valid reason to do something so juvenile.
5. Be direct to avoid miscommunication. Sometimes you need to tell your ex about how you feel about them. You might lose a bit of pride, but you are not losing anything else. Try it, and the result might amaze you.
You need to do everything you can if you genuinely want to get your ex back. Good luck!