Want to Hear an Online Poker Strategy That Works?
table every time you play.
STRATEGY #1: Vary Your Bets
I cannot believe the number of players who want to use the same bet structure over and over again. If you want to be unpredictable, you must vary your betting and raising patters as much as possible.
STRATEGY #2: Keep Players Out Of Hands
The real mark of a great player is the ability to win dozens of small pots with aggressive play. Forcing players out of small pots also ensures that your opponents will see fewer of your cards. Every time that your opponents see your cards, you will become a little bit more predictable. It is key that you play
very aggressively to keep yourself shrouded in mystery.
STRATEGY #3: Shift Styles Completely
If you watch poker games closely, the successful players will always be the ones who change gears from aggressive to tight throughout the game. When you are at a table, it is important that you mix up your betting patters for a given hand...and then switch your overall playing style between loose and tight
and loose and tight.
STRATEGY #4: In the Dark Plays
Using "in the dark" plays is a great way to confuse your opponents. When you play in the dark, it is very hard for your opponents to get a good read on you. When you make a move in the dark, your opponents will start to rethink their moves. Remember, since a player's first instincts are usually right, you want to make your competition second-guess their instincts.
STRATEGY #5: Never Show Your Cards
There are a lot of players who like to reveal their cards when they pull off a good bluff. It's usually a big headed gesture from the player trying to satisfy their own giant ego. If you're playing Texas Hold'em to feel better about yourself, then be my guest, show your cards. When you show your cards, players will start to understand how you behave when you bluff. No matter how hard you try, you will inevitably develop "playing patterns."
It doesn't matter if you're Doyle Brunson or someone who just started playing poker last week; the habits will form. These five strategies will give you an EDGE in disguising your habits.